
Did humans evolve from apes?

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if scientist claim so then I dare them to produce a human specimen out of a bunch of apes by altering their genetics




  1. The answer to your question is that apes and humans had a common ancestor.

    Daring scientists is not a question.

  2. No, I think that is ridicules.

  3. No not apes a last common ancestor.

  4. so the theory goes.......

    It's a matter of belief. Do you want to believe we evolved from apes or do you want to believe we were created in god's image. One is more credible than the other. One has more power than the other. Can it be both?? Why not??

    what if God created the world 5000 years ago just like the bible says but he also created it with evidence of evolution. It most certainly is a leap of faith. Believing in Evolution is a gigantic leap of faith also. Where did life originate??? Science is far from answering that question.

  5. It's not a matter of belief. It is likely, given the evidence, that both modern apes and humans (millions of years ago) had a common ancestor. This was a time in which both humans and apes didn't exist, the only primate like organism was this common ancestor. Millions of years later, groups of this ancestor which mutated over generations and generations became increasingly different from eachother, or so the evidence shows (both genetic and paleontologic).

    Science isn't something that can give you something, it's something you can use. When you want to know whether or not a new food is good, you experiment (taste it) thus discovering whether or not you like it (which is subjective). So we all DO science. Anthropology, genetics and sociology show that groups of people generally live in far away places from eachother, thus their habitat and their niches change (their habits). These changes can have influence over what adaptations would be acceptable sexually (sexual selection) and naturally. Thus differences are born (just like with our ancestor). Though these are ethnic groups, far from being subspecies or new species.

    Biologically speaking, the skin color is a result of pigments in the body. Bilirubin is a yellow compound that comes from the liver, haemoglobin is a red molecule found in red blood cells, and melatonin is a dark pigment found in skin cells to protect us from the sun. Different combinations of these due to physiological and genetic differences between individuals, not to mention the environment's role in this, causes the different skin tones.

  6. No

  7. Chimps share nearly 95% (or is it 98%?) of the same DNA as humans do. They are the only known animal to have actual communication with a human. What we also know is that they are the closest species to man. Perhaps apes evolved from neanderthals or man evolved from the primates. If you are going with the Adam and Eve story, I guess you could hedge your bets on primates coming from humans.

  8. Australopithecus is essentially a transitional species from ape to man.  We share a common ancestor with Apes, genetically we are 98 percent identical.

    As far as skin color goes, people who spend more time out in the sun are darker, your body produces melanin to defend against the sun, thats what makes white people tan, Africans don't tan because they have large amount of melanin due to their being from Africa which is mostly hot desert.  Their genome has adapted to life in the sun, so they naturally produce high levels of melanin.  European ancestry puts us white folk farther from the sun in the northern hemisphere, so we didn't evolve high levels of melanin.

    Historically, if your people were living in the sun alot your darker.

    The only real difference between Apes and us is the brain encephalization.  We share things with them that we dont share with anything else, like prehensile thumbs.

  9. the bible said it didn't AND if that was true apes wouldnt exist AND it would still be happening.

  10. Actually humans went romping and skipping and running from the Garden of Eden accompanied by dogs and cats and unicorns!

    I'm sorry but this question is such a cliche I refuse to do a serious answer!

  11. no human did not come from apes.rember the very first chapter god created Adam and Eve.both are human not apes.

  12. of course not, if we did we would have a tail and evolving from apes would be what they call "chance" it is like a chimp writing the writing earths history with no mistake

  13. Yes, we evolved from earlier species of ape (BTW, we ARE apes).


    Even if they COULD do that right now, I'm not sure it's a good idea, do you?

    I doubt anyone is working on doing any such thing. Uh, ever heard of 'ethics'?

    If you were interested, you could learn about evolution, and the (vaster than vast) evidence for it:

    But you probably aren't, and probably won't, because then you'd have to actually UNDERSTAND it, and couldn't easily dismiss it bogusly.

  14. The belief is that apes and humans descended from a common ancestor, with chimps being the closest cousin.

    Genetic study has found the human common ancestor is from the African bushmen.  It's believed they migrated up eastern Africa, into the middle east, to central Asia, then spread to the rest of the world.  Some northeastern African herdsmen do look like a stretched out version of the bushmen.  Some theories fit a number of migrations, including four to the western hemisphere.

    The different skin colors seem to coincide with latitude and altitude.  That means sun intensity.  One influence is vitamin D presence.  Sunlight is necessary to form that.  Another is skin cancer.

    The people from the subarctic and the dense forests of the temperate zones were inclined to pale skin (the Inuit migrated into the arctic from the temperate plain a relatively short time ago).  The people of the tropics and the high plains were inclined to bronze skins, and people of equatorial regions had brown skins.  The equatorial western hemisphere has bronze skinned people because they migrated from Asia only 10,000 + years ago.

    But then, why do you care?  Are you concerned that the biblical writings must be all literally true and not include legends?  Is your faith dependent on that?

  15. I am the living proof!!!!

    Its like asking if there is a God!

    Prove It!

  16. Humans did not evolve from apes. We evolved parallel to them. Both evolved from a common ancestor. C'mon buddy, lets do a little reading here. That shoe you're chewin' on must taste nasty.

  17. so what are you implying? That god created human?

    it's clearly evolution

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