
Did humans evolve from monkeys?

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A creature that sticks its finger up its b******e and then smells it. Man, thats depressing.




  1. ever been to a preschool?  you wouldn't hold that notion if you have.

    no, we did not evolve from monkeys.  we came from the same evolutionary tree as apes but not directly from apes.

  2. Each species has definite distinctions... humans are humans, monkeys are monkeys... only thing that we relate to their existence is the brain development that left monkeys behind of where we are and where the monkeys are now. Human genes are much more complex and superior than that of the monkeys.

  3. No we evolved from apes. You might think it's nitpicking, but its actually quite important. By the way, human genes are not more complex than monkey genes. Actually corn has more complex genes than a human.

  4. Apes and man (and monkeys) have a common ancestry. We did not "descend" from them. It is more like we are "cousins" genetically speaking, than anything else.

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