
Did humans really developed from apes?

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When people ask questions its because they don't know the answer to it. It's not kewl to send i message cussing them out and calling them a dumbass no matter how racial it may SOUND.




  1. Put it this way: Science has been certain that humans share a common ancestor with other apes for the last 100 years. It's not controversial among scientists anymore, and hasn't been for quite some time.

    The only controversy is in the public domain, where certain religious sects dislike the idea of evolution. But hey, if they want to think the sun revolves around the earth, that's their call.

  2. using the theory of evolution: NO, but we have similar ancestors...creationism:NO because god made us

  3. Who says God didn't design apes to evolve?  The Bible says he "created" man, not how exactly.  Maybe he blew into ashes of a dead ape?

    To limit God's abilities in any way is not the way to go here.  God and science can co-exsist, as long as you give them both credit, not pick and choose.

  4. We are all apes and it has nothing to do with race.

  5. Well it depends what you believe in God or evolution...personally I believe in God.

  6. Ask yourself this, how come a dog can dig a hole, puff air in and out of his nose, and not get lung problems from inhaling dirt. I would, you would.

    The thing is, thier lungs are horizontal. Things get blasted out easier. This is a very good design. BUT, say that we are upright, this means that our lungs have to be either vertical, or very small to allow for this same attribute. Unless our trachea was attached to the bottom of our lungs so that anything that fell in would come right back out.

    I do not believe that we are in the image of God, or even in the likeness of God, I mean no offense to anyone, but think about how many people that have been in charge of the religions that say we were created in the likeness of Him, and try to decide if they were all trustworthy before beleiving them. What's to say the guys who copied the bible for generations didn't tweak it a little to make themselves feel good?

    My body is not perfect. God is. Don't you agree? And if I can find flaws in my body, don't you think he can?

    If you jump up and down long enough you will damage your knees. FLAW. If you type too long you will pinch the nerve in your hand that goes between your thumb and index finger and get carpal tunnel syndrom. FLAW. If we were better designed our throat would not be exposed, our uvula would work better, and we would not have four usless toes on our feet.

    Not to mention our violent and hatefull tendencies.

    Think about that. Calling ME the likeness of Him is an insult to Him as far as I am concerned.

    What do you think? Are we descended from apes? and still on our path to perfection? Or are we already perfect like him?

  7. if you believe in evolution than you will believe that you evolved from a tree lemur. If you don't you will believe that we did not evolve from apes.

    I hope I helped.

  8. yes they did apes are the common ancestors of humans

  9. This is an opinion, even though I know what I believe is the truth. God made animals and humans separate. He breathed His spirit into us (humans). The animals were just animals.

  10. I don't think anyone was cursing over racism.  Maybe, but I doubt it.

    The evolution/creation debate evokes strong feelings.  Many take it personally because it is an attack on how they see the world and how it works.  It is an attack on the idea of where they come from, where they are going, and why.  An attack on the belief of purpose of their being alive.  And that is true of both sides.

    It is natural that some would take it so personally that they would in turn try to hurt you emotionally as much as they could; it feels to them that your question was designed to hurt them in much the same way.

  11. h**l no!

  12. based on current scientific research the answer is "Yes". This has occured over millions of years of evolution.

    Creationists will differ, I'm sure.

  13. I CERTAINLY HOPE SO. they are the badass. lounging all day, swingin from vines, and eatin bananas. what a life!!!!

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