
Did i do the right thing? And what do you think it was?

by  |  earlier

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I have been with this guy for about 8 months now and we were ready to have s*x so we were about too until i noticed that he had some little white bumps on the inside of his thighs i did not know what it was so i got up and made up an excuse and left and i have not talked to him in about a week i feel bad but at the same time i want to protect my health i have a child and i don't want to die because of one s*x mistake I'm not sure if it was a disease or not what do you think




  1. You did do the right thing, but just ask him to go get tested, maybe go with him?

    Lol i was dating my ex for that long when i was ready but i refused till he got tested because he has been with a sluty girl. Anywho he didnt and i didnt have s*x with him till like 6 months later when he finally gave in. No one needs anSTD:)

    But yeah if you have been dtaing for 8 months he she be willing to go get tested.

  2. I applaud you for having your priorities in order.  Very few people would have had the courage to what you did.  Even if he doesn't have a "disease" and there is a reasonable explanation for what you saw, you shouldn't do anything if there's any doubt in your mind.   And yes, you absolutely did the right thing.

  3. you did the right thing. you never know

  4. no you should have talked to him about it not just walk out on him .

    that was rude!

    why would you ignore him for a week? what if it was nothing?

    just bring up your concerns to him and tell him that before you have s*x you wouild like to get cheked together to be sure that you both can be safe and are STD free..

    dont punish him before you even know if there is anyhting wrong

  5. You did the right thing not having s*x with him, better safe than sorry. But I don't think you did the right thing in the way you did it. If you've been with him for 8 months you should have a minimum of trust with him to be able to openly tell him why you had that reaction.

    Don't just disappear, talk it over with him. He may have nothing, he may have something and don't know, etc.

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