
Did i do the right thing??

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so i was talking to this guy for about four or so months. we finally got to date about a month ago. things were going great until school started. i didn't feel as attached to him as i usually did. when i was with him i didn't feel a connection or anything. When school started from the very first day i had tons of homework to do. and didn't have time for him. he would always call and want to talk and i would tell him i had to go. he was constantly telling me that he wanted me to act more like his girlfriend but i just didnt have the time. By the end of this week i realized that i didn't feel the same for him anymore and i just want to be his friend. but now i feel guilty because he said he was crying. and i don't want his family to hate me.

did i do the right thing by leaving him??




  1. if you're not attracted to him, and have no romantic feelings for him then it's better for the both of you that you did what you did. school takes alot out of you and at this point of your life you need to focus on school. hopefully you can remain friends.  

  2. Yes, eventually he will be okay.  Your feelings are important and it would be more destructive to his feelings if you stayed with him when you don't have any interest in him than if you were honest and just left him.  Things will work out.  Give it time.

  3. Yes. Always be honest, tactfully.  Don't worry about him or his family not liking you, as long as you are honest they will get over it.

  4. If you weren't into him anymore, there is nothing to feel bad about. You can't stay in it and be miserable, and keep him in a one-sided relationship.

  5. Of course you did. It's always okay to follow what your heart says. Don't worry!

    Oh, and about his crying problem try talking to him about it and see how he feels and tell him that you didn't mean any harm.  

  6. Yes you did..It would have been a waste just to stay together if you have no feelings for him..

  7. If you did not have the same feelings that you started out with than yes you did do the right thing. It would have hurt him and yourself more had you continued the relationship based on a lie. His family will not hate you for not wanting to be with him if you did not like him in that sense. They will be understanding, and if he has a hard time with it try and help him through it. Be a friend, just not to friendly.

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