
Did i eat crappy today?????????

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1cup pineapple

1 mango


handfull of dried goji berries


2cups homemade macaroni soup(just whole wheat macaroni&tomato juice non concentrated)


1cup dry organic whole grain cereal


bowl of homemade lentil soup(just lentils vegetable broth & onions)

some whole grain oat cracker crumbs in the soup and a salad

i usually eat like this evryday like calorie wise but i usually dont have 2 snacks i usually just have 1 snack

did i eat crappy today you kno like nutriotionally wise cause i am a vegan

im 17yrs old female and im 5 feet 92pounds




  1. you ate good, are you happy? if so then thats all that matters

  2. haha not at all i wish that i ate like you do=]

  3. Sounds good. Im 5'1 and 85 lbs and vegan. BUT, i think you are missing something. Dont fret just yet, it isnt really a big deal. You need more protein, i guess? but everything else is PERFECT, nutrition wise.

  4. you did ok you just need to eat more.  but you have to eat a good breakfast.  For an example:  cereal, eggs, toast, fruit, and orange juice.  That is a good breakfast.  And for lunch:  A sandwich, some fruit and a small soda.  For dinner: Chicken or stake, a good amount of vegetables.

    then you need a good amount of sleep.

    take care  

  5. u ate good! :]

  6. ok, ok u ate good, but not much protein and like no fat!. You really need some good, sturdy protein to get through the day, and you need some kind of fat too. good fat (mono & poly) mind u. If anything u ddnt eat enough. You should prolly take 2 multividamins, drink more water, eat carbs in the morning, and take an omega supplimet, like flax. You seem like you really into your diet, you may want to research it some more and ask someone qualified. but wow just add some more stuff and thats gr8!

    good luckk!!!

  7. That is good :) very healthy girl :)

  8. holy c**p,whats a goji berry??

  9. I'd say yes because none of that sounds appealing to me. But nutritionally, I'd say it sounds very healthy.

    Of course you did eat organic which is really risky. I can't tell you how awful it is to bit into "organic" fruit bought from an organic supplier to find bugs/worms in it.  I refuse to buy anything organic anymore. It's a gimmick and way too expensive. Preservatives/pesticides are there to make the food safer, not just for kicks and giggles.

  10. NO...You actually ate pretty good than normal people./......and your wathcing what your eating...Good JOB

    Stay like that...and u could be like a model.

    just dont forget to drink water.

  11. no you ate good, but man you're skinny!  haha but yeah it looks good to me.

  12. That doesn't sound bad, but be sure you're getting regular sources of protein, calcium and iron. Leafy green vegetables are good for the second two, and I'm sure you know about protein sources: beans, tofu, nuts, soymilk, seitan, etc.

  13. that all sounds really healthy

    but we don't need to know your weight........

  14. no the goji berrys are good for you but i think your gonna become unhealthy (way to thin) you are under weight you need to eat from the food piramid here just incase

  15. I'm vegan too!!!!! That souds perfectly healthy and SO much better for  you than most people your age eat! I think eating like this is perfectly healthy and I would eat that!

  16. Wow, dont listen to Eric b.

    I'd say you ate fine. I personally think you should get more raw veggies in your diet though. Good job.

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