
Did i eat good to day?

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breakfast-cherrios 3\4 of a cup and 1\4 of milk

lunch- half a salad [cuz the school puts meat in the salad and i eat underneath it]

snack bout 3:30-celary and peanut butter

dinner- at 6- veggie chicken sandwhich with olive oil manosass

is it good did i get enough?




  1. The stuff you eat is healthy, but you are going to want to eat a little more.  Have some chips with your sandwich.  And for dessert, have some fruit or even something not so good for you.  I like to toss fruit on my soy ice cream sometimes.  Or eat a fruit-flavored soy ice cream.  

    If you can't get vegetarian lunches at school, check out Vegan Lunchbox and bring your own.

    Toss some dried raisins or some fruit on your cereal.

  2. we are vegetarians not anorexics.

    sorry but I got the impression that you are trying to show everyone that you can go w/o really eating.

    have some vegetables at dinner or beans, have some fruit with lunch and/or breakfast.

    celery has no nutrients but the peanut butter is good. ( i like celery but just letting you know there are no vitamins in it)

  3. not sure what the 6 veggie chicken sandwich was, but you definitely need more fruits and veggies.

  4. I have been a vegetarian for over 10 years. The fact that you "ate around" the meat in the salad is appalling. I have never in my life heard of someone who is a vegetarian because of their love of animals who would have no problem eating "under the meat." You need to seriously rethink your motives.

    As a vegetarian, I am always offended when someone tells me to take the meat off a salad or take the pepperoni off the pizza. GET A CLUE.  

  5. You are not eating very much, and what you are eating sounds low on protein and B vitamins. I've never eaten manosass, so I can't comment on that.

    Did you enjoy what you ate? Or was it just a chore to eat it?

    I had a big salad and couscous for dinner. The couscous contained chunks of leftover leg of lamb, onions, and chili peppers as well as couscous and chickpeas. Delicious, with a cheap red wine. For dessert, chocolate cake a la mode. It was pretty tasty.

  6. I think you need to eat more. And getting a salad with meat on it but eating around it is no better than getting it and eating it...

  7. what are you like 50 pounds? Why would you eat half a salad for lunch? You want to show off to your friends how little you eat?

  8. Seems a bit too little if you ask me, unless you're my toddler... my 19 month old baby is 30 pounds and eats more.

    I think the fact you measure everything down to the quarter cup is a warning sign. Eating nothing but lettuce for lunch is also a warning sign, the chicken excuse doesn't work considering you can bring food from home - what ever happened to bringing PB and J and an apple? That's not just vegetarian, it's vegan.

    Think about what your goals are and if you're worrying too much about eating "good" and whether measuring food, thinking about it, etc. is becoming bigger than being YOU yourself. Does what you eat (how "good" you feel you were ) impact your social life , how you think about yourself, or what you eat the next day? You might be on the way to an eating disorder.

  9. you ate perfectly =)

  10. i think you could stand to eat more.  doesn't sound like your getting enough calories, or nutrients...

    have more cereal and milk/soy milk.  i have 1 cup of milk in my bowl and a bout 1.5 cups of cereal.  also add  some fruit- a banana is perfect or add whatever you like.

    just a salad for lunch i know holds some people, but it doesn't really hold me over.  definately tell them to leave the meat off your salad.  that's reasonable.  celery and peanut butter is an excellent snack.  

    dinner looks good too. just add a side of veggies in some form :)

  11. It's ok, it all depends on what your future eating goals are. If you feel satisfied then that's all that matters!

  12. The variety is okay but the quantity may not be enough. No need to measure everything: just eat slowly and stop when you are full. Please remember that even if you eat healthy foods but in inadequate amounts, you will not maximize the benefits. Couple a good diet with an exercise regimen so that overweight/fitness issues will not be a problem

    Teens usually need more because of their higher metabolic rates and their increased activity.

  13. you ate healthy, but not enough, especially if your in any sports.

    just add a piece of fruit with lunch, and maybe some chips or crackers.

  14. You ate healthy; however, you didn't eat enough.

    In order to incorporate more food into your diet, I suggest you pack your own lunch.  Relying on the school to nourish you properly can be very frustrating, especially as a vegetarian (and even as an omnivore).

    For lunch, pack some a salad, some fruit, and some vegetables.

    I just finished packing my lunch a couple of hours ago. I packed a PB&J, some pretzels, a small fruit salad, and some baby carrots.

    I eat A LOT =]

    For breakfast, (why did I put lunch before breakfast?) Eat something with protein (so your stomach won't growl during a test--which is really embarrassing)!

    I usually get full off of two slices of peanut butter toast. Make some oatmeal and throw in an apple. Just make sure you eat enough to keep you full until lunch!

    Well for dinner, your options aren't as limited.  You won't be rushing and you'll have microwave/ oven, so you can make anything =]

    Try to get a lot of vegetables from dinner. Lets say around...2 or 3 servings.

    Ohh almost forgot about the snack.  I usually eat something unhealthy here :(, but you probably aren't supposed to ;).

    I think your snack today was great!

    -Good Luck and I hope you enjoy life as a vegetarian!

  15. Not really.  You did not get enough calories, veggies, whole grains, protein and many other nutrients.
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