
Did i eat ok today?????????????

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I have had

a bag of ready slated crisps (at noon)

a slice of cucumber

a small hand full of Cheerios (no milk)

and 2 slices of pizza

and i have finished eating for today, was it good? and i am 15 year old female




  1. omg are u anorexic? If ur a dude thats waaayy to little. Eat a steak. d**n. if its a chick u need to still eat more, just healthier choices. salted chips? pizza? the no milk doesnt add up lol. ur suppose to eat smaller portions more often. about 6-8 small meals a day. Healthy ones too.

  2. you need to eat healthy. Such as fruit and veg.

    Replace the crisps with an apply and a banana.

    You must have a breakfast every morning.

    you can have nuts and so on which is healthy and gives you enough protein.  

  3. No - that is not good!

    Not enough veg - too much fat (crisps and Pizza)

    Try harder tomorrow!

  4. No it is not you have eaten nowhere near enough calories for a growing girl.  You need to eat more healthily.  I would go and see a nutritionist or even your doctor.

  5. It sounds as if your body is finding it hard to eat more than 600 calories. Just keep asking the question and we will keep answering and you will get better x  

  6. That sounds as though you're starving yourself.  You need to have very healthy meals throughout the day.  You need to eat at least 3 times per day- your last meal not later than 3 hours before bed time.  Each time your stomach should be satisfied/filled.  You need to make sure that your meals consist of:-

    a wide variety of fresh fruits,

    a wide variety of raw and cooked fresh vegetables inclusive of green leafy vegetables, and sea vegetables,

    complex carbohydrates (such as yam, potatoes, dasheen, green bananas etc.)

    protein (such as meats, fish, nuts, seeds, grains - beans, peas etc.)

  7. I only read the first sentence and I can tell you no.

    You NEED to eat breakfast. Once you incorporate that into your life, you will notice the benefits immediately!

    Good luck!

  8. No thats a terrible diet. there is not enough goodness in any of it. You should have a breakfast a piece of fruit a proper lunch and dinner.You will make yourself ill!!!!!!!!!

  9. No, same as yesterday, not enough food and what your eating is loaded with fat

  10. Nope.

    Even if you want to get slim, you need to have a good 3 meals a day. Breakfast could be cereal with milk, lunch a sandwich with salad in it etc, dinner meat, veg and potatoes or something. If you want to eat between meals then eat fruit.

    A slice of cucumber dosen't count!

  11. no what would make you think you could eat like that have u ever though of a balanced diet !!!!!


  12. You're not eating enough and you're eating too much fatty foods. You can eat regularly and healthily and still eat less calories than THAT. Eat fish and meat and vegetables. Eggs are good too because they reduce hunger and the whites have something like 14 calories in them. What you're doing to yourself is wrong and i think you think by eating less you'll get thinner. Well here's the truth- YOU WON'T. By eating very little, your body absorbs more/all of the fat in the foods you eat because it doesn't know the next time it'll be fed. And considering the fact that you're eating pizza and crisps, you'll probably put on more than you normally would.

    What i suggest is that you have something like egg or oats for breakfast as they are low in ,well, anything and stop hunger and something light like a salad for lunch. Some meat or fish with rice or pasta or even cereal for dinner.

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