
Did i get my friend raped?

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well she had this friend that adored her but she would hug him and spend the night at his house in his bed and stuff.

But he said to me one day that he's going to bed her no matter how hard or what way he would do it, he would do it to prove me wrong.

I never told any of the friends that new them both because i didn't think he would do it... so me and him argued for days i'm telling him he can't do it because he isn't a real man and that people would be after him and stuff. Also i did try and warn my friend off but she didn't believe me.

The next day my friend told me what he did to her.

That night the rapist spoke to me in detail what he did to her saying it's my fault it happened.

That night he began to tell me everything in detail like it was a dig at me but also getting what he wanted.

please give me you're advice.




  1. It is not your fault.You tried your best to warn them and they still didn't listen.You should most definitely report him though.He shouldn't get away with that.But you should still be there for your friend that got raped because this is when she needs you the most.You shouldn't have told him that he wasn't a real man because to him,he was trying to prove you wrong.But seriously,to me,it's not your fault at all.You did your best to warn them.You were trying to be a good friend.Pray for to GOD for your friend because at this time,she really needs your support.GOD is the only one who can judge you for whether you were right are wrong,us people on yahoo are in no place to judge you.GOD loves you and GOD knows that you tried your best to warn her.GOD still cares about you and He still cares about her too.Pray to GOD though,you will feel better.Do not beat yourself up over this because you tried and she can't say that you didn't tell her.I hope that I helped.GOD BLESS you!

  2. well, no, you didn't get your friend raped.  What is wrong with this guy?  Someone needs to contact the police if this is a real rape case.  Is there a chance that they are just being dumb and regretting sleeping with each other?  I think you should ditch this guy, he sounds like a psycho, and be there for your girl friend.  

  3. did you encourage him just to try to have s*x with her willfully, cause if you did, then i guess you cant technically be held responsible.  but if you encouraged him to RAPE her then you deserve to burn in h**l.

  4. No!  and he is using you to make himself feel better.  If he shifts the blame off of himself, then he doesn't feel bad.  He needs to be turned in, because if he doesn't feel bad, he will do it again.

  5. You tried to warn her so you didnt get her raped but i think you should report it to a trusted adult thats something serious and it needs to be known

  6. Call the police. He might say u made him do it but he don't have any evidence. Even though you are wrong as well, why did you tell him he can't.

  7. I know that there's no way you'll like my answer but I really don't care because it's very important that you know the truth from someone who's gone through bad sexual experiences too.

    Are you an accomplice in the strictest terminology? Of course not. You didn't want your friend raped and you didn't plan on it happening. In fact, I'm sure it was more of a joke to you than anything else.

    Did you help him get the courage to rape her? Yes...YOU F***King DID. I'm angry because rape is something that is very hard to get over. Your friend is probably now ****** up in the head with severe trust issues. For her sake, I don't think you should ever tell her about how you egged him on. Otherwise, it'll take even longer for her to heal her mind.

    Why do I say you helped her get raped? You were the peer pressure constantly messing with him to have s*x with her. Admittedly, he was weak in that he actually followed through but if you think about it...all of us have succumbed to peer pressure before but if it wasn't for that peer pressure, would he have done it? You are her FRIEND and because you are her friend and you're egging him on to have s*x with her at ALL COSTS, it gives any normal person the mentality that maybe it's okay even if it's against your friend's will.

    People are right...he did tell you all those things to try and relieve himself of guilt. He wanted you to take the blame for his actions because despite how peer pressure may act, his subconscious told him it was wrong what he did afterwards. However...lets just say this.

    He was the gun and the bullet that shot your friend but you were the one pulling the trigger.

    You sick freak.

    Since when did rape become a joke to you?

    Turn that rapist in and get some mental help yourself. Perhaps you need it even more than he does because your words help set fire to this whole fiasco.

  8. if you warned your friend than it wasnt your fault

    .. hes a freak so its all his

  9. unless you held her down while he did it then h**l noo !  

    report this punk tell all the girls about him hes a dirt bag !

  10. This girl needs to go to the police & report the attack & you need to make a statement to the police as to what this boy said to you he was planning to do & that he effectively admitted to you that he raped the girl.

    What that boy did was premeditated hun, he planned & plotted before the fact, then he carried out his plan, cold bloodedly.

    This boy is nothing short of an animal & needs to be locked away for the safety of all women. I hope you do the right thing, he deserves all he gets.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  11. you helped your friend in his offence.

  12. No.. u didn't get ur friend raped, apparently he started this idea on his own and u tried to tell ur friend about it before hand. You're not an accomplice either. Just tell ur friend to report the rape and u should too. So it was not ur fault at all.. just try to get ur friend to report this if not, offer to go with her, but report the rape either way.ASAP!

  13. You warned your friend.  She was used to spending the night with him and 'stuff'.  Firstly, you are not to blame at all.  They were both in the same bed - she had allowed previous favours and, as a woman, I really have difficulty wth girls that claim rape when they are actually leading men on.  As a woman I have a voice and can say stop - I have done!  Perhaps your friend did?  Men are not always to blame!

  14. If it was accually rape call the POLICE. You're NOT anaccoplise.

  15. yes you are an accomplice.  

    umm yes you are.  you didnt tell him he better not do it, you egged him on and said he wasnt a man or whatever.  yeah you didnt do it.  but you didnt stop it.  and if you were really a friend you would have told your friend the entire situation.

    he is just using u as his excuse, but you still were a part of it.

  16. what the h**l go and report it! tell your friend that if she wont you will. dont keep this a secret! he may hurt another girl too.

  17. 1st. she was raped if she didn't want to. 2nd what does she expect when she was sleeping w/him, i know what i would have done. but it is not your fault, it is both their fault.  

  18. you are not to blame for someone elses actions but get your friend to report him

  19. Yes, you did. It's not funny to put people in danger like that. Your friend should report this dude, and you. It was cool that you tried to warn her though.

  20. Report it... Seriously...  

  21. i've been raped and usually the rapist tries to put the blame on ther person he did it to, but really , it's his fault. don't ever think you did anything wrong because he told you what he was going to do. you didn't necessarily know he actually would and there was nothing you could've done to stop it. if you'd even gone to the lengths to go over to the house he would've done it to you as well, he's a man and they can sadly over power us easily. IT WASN'T YOUR FAULT. he's an a*****e to try blame you, he just wants to make himself feel better

  22. If your friend was raped, she should report it to the police.  He could do that to someone else.  

  23. no its not your thing i would say though - is if you are a true friend - you will get her to contact the police and you also make a statement telling them what has happened and about your conversations with him before and after it happened. he needs to be reported by one or both of you on this, you dont need to be told that if he has done it once he can do it again and probably will. whos to say the next time it isnt you? if not you, then someone else, it doesnt matter who - he needs to be reported full stop.

  24. First, your friend needs to contact a rape hotline and get some help to get her thru this.  It's something that will haunt her for the rest of her life and she needs help to learn how to deal with it.  

    Second, you and your friend need to turn this guy over to the police.  Rape is not a practical joke or something that can just be joked about.  If he's done it once, he'll do it again.  Think of that girl and stop him now!

    Third, you shouldn't have argued with him or goaded him by telling him he couldn't do it.  However, he is the one who actually assaulted your friend.  You can't blame yourself for that.

    Last, neither of you can ever talk to or see this guy ever again.  He's sick and you should stay away from him!

  25. Report this to the police, speak to the friend first and you can verify what the B****** did!

  26. If you tried telling her about it. And tried talking him out of it...then there is not much more you could do. Can you think of anything you could have done better? Or done at all? Is it too late to get him in trouble with the law? Has your friend told you that she blames you?

    Have you talked with her about it? If might want to.

    Good luck

    And its not your fault. At all

  27. Sounds like they are winding you up.Call their bluff.

  28. i dont think you got your friend raped...but you should of really warned her and told ur friends about it because they would of heled warn her to....then maybe she would of not gotten raped.

  29. No person is responsible for rape except the rapist. You did nothing wrong.

  30. by knowing what he intended, whether you thought he was lieing or not, and not telling anyone, yes you helped her get raped.

    she needs to call the police on him, she might not be the 1st and most likely not the last.

  31. omg! its not your fault! dont ever think its your fault you warned everyone! just go to a counsler or if you really think this is bad go to the police cuz this is a very serious thing! :-( good luck!

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