
Did i have a migraine or just a really bad headache?

by  |  earlier

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I had such bad pain in my head which lasted a couple of days - it felt like someone had attached a clamp to my head and kept tightening it. The pain seemed to be localised around the back of my head and i found it difficult to focus my eyes on things like the tv or a book. Also loud noise seemed to agitate it and really bright sunlight. The light was not unbearable, but i seemed to be more intolerant to it than everyone else. I also felt a bit nauseous, especially when i was in a moving car. Luckily i feel much better now and all the symptoms have gone, but i just want to find out whether that was just a really bad headache or a migraine.





  1. That was a migraine. Sometimes, if you can vomit, it relieves the pain. If you drink, or have chocolate , it can make it worse. In some cases, you can get a warning that one is going to start, they call it an aura. A cold cloth on your forehead, a very dark room, helps. There is no reason to suffer tho. A Dr. can give medicine or an injection to stop the pain. Also cigarette smoke will trigger an headache.

  2. sounds to me like you had a migraine.

  3. it's possible that it could be called a migrane as the symptoms are such.  

  4. Those are the symptoms I'm having now! :(

    sucks to deal with while at work... sounds like a migrane to me, but hey, ive never had one, wouldnt know.

  5. I think it was a migraine.

  6. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Usually signs of migraines are intolerants to lights and sounds. Also, nausea is associated. Therefore, the signs you listed could be in fact a migraine. I find that a cup of tea or coffee usually helps me get through my day without one.  

  7. migraine.

    Migraine is differentiated from a headache b/c of nauesua, sensitivity to light and sound.  

  8. That's a classic migraine.  If you get them frequently see a neurologist!

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