
Did i have a miscarriage?

by  |  earlier

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I am on the contraceptive pill and as i went on holiday for 2 months. I carried on taking my pill. Therefore i took 3 packets and stopped taking my last one on Sunday. Usually i come on 2 days after taking my pill, but this time i did not. This made me and my boyfriend very worried. 4 days later (on wednesday) i noticed brown spotting, which was a good sign- because this is what i usually get before my period starts. But it was very light. Then on Thursday, i experienced severe cramps, which made me feel as if i needed to use the toilet. I noticed i started to bleed more heavily but i didn't think it was anything. Then i got large blood clots. I urinated and noticed something hanging out (sorry its a bit too detailed lol), i wiped, and in my hand was a large sack like thing, which had dots over it, it was covered in blood and looked a bit jelly like. to be quite honest, i did not examine it as i felt awful and nauseous as it was. but to me it looked like a sack. since then i have been having a lot of blood clots, brown blood and skin fragments (well that is what it looks like), i am wondering could this be a miscarriage? or just because i have been taking my pill for so long? i really need help because i am only 16. and i dont want to tell my parents. as i didnt even know i was pregnant in the first place (if i am). I need to know where to turn to next. pleasee helppp. ):




  1. It sounds very possible that it was a miscarriage. You can probably take a home pregnancy test to see. The HGC will still be in your system.

  2. It could possibly be. But to be on the safe side if possible take a sample of what you are passing and go to the doc.

  3. it could be just the lining of your utertus. I suggest you go to the doctor and ask what they can do for you.  

  4. you need to see a doctor. thats the best advice.. goodluck

  5. Maybe it's a miscarriage; maybe it's just blood clots (which are normal). Either way, you need to see a doctor and talk about your pill, as it isn't strong enough.

    Blood clots are more than just clots of blood. With your period, your uterus sheds blood, mucous, and thin bits of uterus tissue that can look like skin. Sometimes these stick together and make 'clots'. These clumps of goo can look like dark jam, red jelly, or little bits of wet coffee grounds, and yes, sometimes they get halfway out the v****a and just 'hang there' until you pull them out.

    In case it was a miscarriage, you should definitely go see a doctor. Even though the miscarriage is 'over', you need to make sure that all the pregnancy tissue is out and there are no bits left over inside to cause you problems. As well, if you were pregnant, then you need to get a stronger pill prescription because that one isn't working and if you keep taking it then you'll just end up pregnant again.

    Even if it's just blood clots, I'd still say see a doctor because with the pill your period should be the same every month. If your period is really weird one month (eg. really clotty) then your pill might not be strong enough, or maybe you have endometriosis, which is when the period blood builds up in layers and clots and causes problems.

    Please do go to a doctor, right away so you can figure out what's going on and you don't have to feel scared and sick and worried about it.


  6. Have you stopped bleeding now? After just suffering from a miscarriage myself it does seem quite possible that is what you have suffered. I would go to the doctor and tell them your situation, just so they can check you over as when it comes to conceiving in the future, you will be doubly looked after due to your past history. You could take a pregnancy test, but that maybe negative so you won't be any the wiser. Even though you didn't know if you were pregnant or not and didn't want to be, if it turns out you did miscarry, it'll still be a big thing to take in, take care x

  7. i am going through the same thing right now! i am not pregnant and im dropping blood clots as well with the same discription. i think its just from the birth control. i forgot to take mine a couple of nights and had to double up the next night to make up for it. themn i ran out of pills and didnt make it to the doctor, so now i am going through a heavy flow, with bllod clot "sacs w/ skin fragments" as well, horrible cramping as well. we need to go to the doctor.

  8. i wish i could tell you but i dont know. Go to your doctor its the best thing.

  9. well, it could have been a miscarriage.  regardless, if you are concerned you need to see your doctor just so he can make sure everything is ok.  it may just have been your period and large blood clots too.

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