
Did i just get a virus?

by  |  earlier

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just got a message saying good luck! and then it said my computer may get a virus but i have a very good virus remover




  1. You may be having a virus or spyware installed on your PC. Norton, AVG , Avast are free antivirus software. Ad-aware, Ewido are free spyware removers. You can download free softwares at and . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

  2. dunno........anyways good luck (no pun intended)

  3. Quite possibly you did get a virus or Trojan, but if so you will get a notice from your AV program stating it was "quarantined" or "repaired."

    To reassure yourself, open the program and look at the log.  You might be required to direct your AV to isolate or delete, an easy thing to do with a mouse click.

  4. do not download any anti virus protection in the internet coz their actually the ones putting it.

    If it says

    warning your computer is infected, don't believe it because the program that said that may be antimalware or etc. etc. site or they say download it now to protect your computer...that's bullcrap just close it immediately and its not it's g*y...FIDO

  5. There is an antiviruses free just for today

    there is a code and you can activate it

    It worth trying it

    You have to activate it right away because it won t let to activate it after the end of the day

    good luck

  6. If u have got a good Antivirus and regularly update it, nothing to worry.

  7. no. my computer does that sometimes && i never got a virus

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