
Did i just have a miscarriage????

by  |  earlier

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Oh my God, okay so i just got off the depo shot in June, i was supposed to get my 3rd shot around June 20th or so, but I didn't get it because i want to have a baby eventually and i heard that being on the shot for a long time can affect how long it takes to get pregnant. However throughout the 6 months i was on depo i didnt get a period just light spotting here and there. Now that i'm off depo i still havent had my period, but lately i've been feeling really crappy and (pregnant) but i took two pregnancy test 1 week apart and both were negative. Yesterday however i noticed brown blood (enough to cover a panty liner) sorry if it's too graphic, and then i just went to the bathroom 5 minutes ago and as i'm peeing i hear something drop in the toilet and i lcould only look at it for like 30 seconds (we have automatic flushing toilets at work) but it looked like a big blood clot, maybe the size of a jelly bean. And then the stupid toilet flushed it too quick. But when i wiped i looked at the toilet paper and it had a tiny bit of brown blood and clear discharge. What's going on?




  1. im pretty sure that was just a blood clot. i was on birth control for three months and when i stopped i had such a heavy flow that it was scary and i also had huge clots. just chill you were on the shot so the chances of you being pregnant are very very low. you can also try looking it up on web md or something like that

  2. Could have just been your period and that was dry blood. Was it followed by any uncomfortable pain? Or was it painful when coming out? Maybe kidney stones but that would be painful when coming out. Anyways try to visit your doctor if your having any pains. I doubt is a miscarriage because you weren't pregnant according to the tests. Maybe it's just the start of your period?

  3. It could just be your body does strange things when you get off any type of birth control. If you honestly thing this was a miscarriage you should go to the doctor. They can check your HCG levels and tell you if you were pregnant.

  4. I have been on the depo shot several times.  The earliest I have ever gotten pregnant is 9 months after my last shot, or 6 months after it should have worn off.  

    Whenever I have got off of the depo shot I also have had some really weird bouts of spotting and bleeding.  It takes awhile for your body to reset after getting off of any form of birth control.  

    If you have taken several tests that were negative then you probably weren't pregnant.  And if by chance you were and miscarried this early on you wouldn't really notice anything drop out.  I have had 2 early pregnancy loses and am still bleeding from having a miscarriage at 7 weeks.  With the early pregnancy loses, it was just a super period.  I have had many periods with clots.  

    I would say your body is just trying to do what it is meant to do and trying to get back on track.  You should expect to have really weird cyles for the next few months.  Whenever you do suspect that you are pregnant, go ahead and test, but try to remember until everything evens out, your body is going to do weird things.

  5. It could be you just trying to get back into a cycle or of you feel in was a m/c call your doctor and they can test your levels to see. Funny things happen when coming off meds and it takes time for the body to get back into a new system with out the shot.  

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