
Did i mess up my cord?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i bought a dryer cord today because my oldish dryer had the wrong cord. and so when i got it home i wanted to check and make sure it would fit with the wall plugin. well, like an idiot, i decided to plug it in, BEFORE attaching the plug to the dryer. the part that wasnt attached to the dryer was on the floor, (lucky for me) and poof! white/blue light, and black mark on my floor. the little prongs on the end of cord that attach on the dryer are black of corse where it fried. i guess i tripped the breaker because it wasnt on. my husband, after nearly having a stroke, attached the cord to the dryer, THEN plugged it in.nothing. thats when i noticed the breaker wasnt on, i flipped it back on, we tried the dryer again, nothing.

could i have messed up the cord? the plug? burnt the breaker?




  1. Not likely.  You are one lucky, living, lady.  The breaker blew because it did its job.  Even while charred the metal round terminals on the cord would make contact.  Tell your husband to take the cord off (unplugging it of course) and clean the terminals.  Enjoy your dry clothes.

  2. Before you try this, go back to the breaker, turn it all the way off. then turn it back on. Breakers must be reset this way

    This could have burned the cord inside the insulation. With it unplugged, split the wire back from the ends that connect to the dryer. If you find no burned wires, try pulling on each wire (one at a time) if any come out of the outer sheathing just get a new cord.

  3. you cannot play with electricity like that. You have to be so care ful. It is possible that you damage the cord but I doubt it.

    Did it get wired up right? Get it checked

  4. looks like no
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