im a freshman in highschool, and i noticed this guy and hes 16 and a senior in highschool. apart of me is telling me that im aiming for the wrong guy because he's too old grade wise, btw thats whatever.
heres the story: he & i have exchanged looks, and I've tried
to make small talk with him and stuff. hes laughed when I've tripped and stuff during marching band and stuff. on another day i accidently threw my drill papers at him it was an accident and he just laughed. ive basically complimented him and stuff. i asked him if he could help me with drill moves, and he said "sure, but i don't know if im any good." since last year was his first year in marching band. so then we made plans to do it during lunch, but i couldn't find him. so i ask his friends and they say "him? oh you don't want to ask him. what was your question about marching?" so i made up a fake answer, and then left. when i finally found the guy i made plans with, i WAS going to tell him i liked him. but never got around to it.
today i was sitting on a bench after practice waiting for
my ride and he drives by and just looks at me through
his sunglasses.
did i s***w things up?
should i leave him alone?
im freaking out, and i hes been on my mind a lot.
>> full points to best answer.