
Did i sort of come out?

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I'm 16, g*y, and in the closet. Today was registration at my school. Last year, i tried to keep my "g*y features" toned down. Today, I put on my rainbow shoes, most stylish clothes, put in my contacts, did my hair, grabbed my bookbag (not a backpack), and walked into the school. I spoke how i wanted to, said what i wanted to say, and acted like i wanted to! It was great! None of my teachers actually recognized me, and kept asking if i had a brother a year younger then me ( i am going into grade 11, but registered with 12's). Nobody cared how i acted, and some people just said that i look great! Do you think that for people that already sort of assume i'm g*y, that this was the confirmation, and they're okay with it?




  1. One of the hardest things you can do in high school is be yourself and be proud of it, so congrats dude!

  2. I'm sure from what you told us, that they had an assumption about you.  They, like yourself, are probably glad you feel good and confident just being you!  


  3. i think they assumed it and are fine with it. they must think you're chill. no biggie - where i live it's totally acceptable.

  4. You have rainbow shoes...? Gross.

    But yeah they prolly do know that you are g*y now. I did the same thing this year also, minus the rainbow shoes :P

  5. That's wonderful hon!! So happy they were accepting!

    I find that people are more quickly accepting when they meet you as a g*y person, rather than meet you straight person and then later find out you're g*y.

  6. You didn't come out, but you gave clues.  Now, if you do decide to come out, the people that were happy to see you and were okay with you acting like your true self, will be happy for you when you come out, and less surprised.  Have a great school year being yourself!

  7. well if you really did, keep out of the closet

  8. As much as i wanna say yes...that wasnt coming out...It's GREAT that u put out who u were and decided to be urself but no one will actually kno unless u bluntly say it because with today's generation and age g*y doesnt mean ust stylish u can be masculine and g*y and u could be a lipstick L*****n! Even if you wore g*y pride people could still think ur straight! But who cares who knows ur not hiding who you are and your being urself thats all that matters!

  9. Be who you are and say what you feel because the people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind

  10. I'm not sure if they have assumed it, but if they did, they're accepting of it. If you really do want to be able to be yourself, it might be a good idea to just come out and tell your friends.

    However, do what you feel is right.


  11. Yes and people are okay with it. You are normal. Noone can help who they like. Hope you have a great time.

  12. ok someone thinking your g*y and knowing your g*y are two different things, im g*y my pals know it but i don't have the whole flamer act going on i cant stand it when people think im into fashion design and c**p like that because im g*y, if i started acting like that i would hope to be beaten up, no offense to you personally im sure your a great guy and all, im just saying that acting like that isn't anything like 'coming out' trust me. i know guys like that that are straight it doesn't meen anything to most people so just suck it up and tell everyone it really isn't that hard to do, you'll find out who your real friends are, those are the ones who don't give a rats *** as long as you don't start hitting on them...

    Best of luck

  13. i would asume they and are fine with it and if they dont no and find and dont like you for you than there not veary good freands

  14. well if they already assume ur g*y and havent said anything to u than of course they r ok with it

    and who cares if they are or if they arent!?! just be urself and try not to care about what other people think =]

  15. yea ur so g*y

  16. Probably... and if they don't think you're g*y, they won't be surprised when you tell them you are

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