
Did i sprain or pull a muscle in my ankle?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i slipped in mud on a hill and i fell and ever since then, my ankle has been hurting like crazy and after it happened and still when i go down stairs, it hurts all the way up to my calf on the back of my leg... what happened?




  1. pulled a muscle or ligament

  2. You probably just pulled a muscle. If it was a sprain.. it was pretty big

  3. Lee is right

    RICE is the best solution for these injuries

  4. Yes you probably did strain at least  one of the muscles. RICE. Rest, to let the area start healing. Ice, 20 minutes every hour. Compress, wrap affected area in ace bandage. Elevate, raise the bandaged ankle above the hip line. Also take Advil or Aleve according to directions. If not better in a 2-3 days see dr.

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