
Did i upset someone in this section?

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I usually get some good advice from this group. but lately i been getting nothing lol. i had to close a question finally after two days of nothing. then re-posted in hopes of some thoughts. One i had to ask for thoughts when i picked best answer. 99.9 percent of the time i pick a best answer. so y'all get points. I just got these two horses a month ago because they were in such poor shape. I put up pics of both of them in questions. and then just recently i put up a q about a colt I'm considering. just for trail. i don't show. i just like to ride. i appreciate it when i get the opinions of horse owners more knowledgeable than me. That's what its all about. Do i ask to many questions? When you want whats best for your horse how many is too many? Is it because i don't answer allot of q's in horses?? i do my answering in sections i know more about. let me know if i have upset someone. and why no one will touch my q's





  1. Well, maybe your question was hard to answer. Remember that there are a lot of questions here. We cant answer all of them but I doubt you could have upset everybody who comes on here.

  2. I doubt anyone is mad at you.

    its a big section with lots of people on it.

    I try to answer questions, but with school homework and horses meh that cuts my time way down so I'm like never on here anymore...haha

  3. As far as I know  no-one is upset with you.

    I haven't been on here much lately - too many other things to do and I think the same is true for a number of others, start of a new school year and all that, it's a busy time.

    Keep asking your questions and I am sure you will get answers.

  4. I cruise and answer what interests me at the moment.  Sometimes I'm just too tired to attempt an answer that requires more time or energy than I have at the time.  It has nothing to do with anything but that.Or, I don't know the answer.

  5. It's bizarre but sometimes yahoo just doesn't post the questions. You see it on your profile but it never goes on the public question list so nobody knows it's there. It has happened to me several times before.

  6. I doubt you upset anyone.  Your problem may be that many of the knowledgeable folks have gotten tired of kids & trolls giving their good answers the thumbs down or reporting them for no reason.

    When the knowledgeable folks leave you get stuck with the (_?_) trolls & kids who are too stupid to be able to answer any questions that are my horse pretty?  I need a show name for my horse or I Need Help With Howrse.

    Sorry you got hung out there with no answers, but most of the good folks are still lurking & watching....Hang in there!

  7. I doubt anyone would be upset with 99% of the people on here probably do not even know who you are

  8. I agree with Flying Mop Dog. I posted a question a few days ago and it took almost 24 hours before it posted. Keep trying, there lot's of nice folks on here willing to answer nicely.

  9. Hang in there hon - we are still here - somehow missed your Q's between "what should I name my pretend horse" and "how do I reach level X in howrse"


    And riding for FUN is the BEST way to ride!!  

  10. Keep trying and don't give up.  It probably isn't anything personal.

    People are usually very busy, but I'm sure most will respond if you give them a chance.  As for me,I haven't accessed this site in several weeks due to not having time.  

  11. I'm the one that you asked to answer one of your questions and when I went to it I wondered why I hadn't seen it before. It seemed to be a normal question that everyone would answer but I just hadn't seen it. Maybe you posted at an awkward time or maybe Y/A messed up and didn't post it or something. try posting them again and see if more people answer. I'm sure its nothing to be worried about

  12. nope not upset


  13. Frogg,

    It's not YOU it's the little trolls that make answering questions a real pain where a pill won't reach.  A LOT of us have backed off answering questions because it's basically "Kiddy Hour" here and a lot of the knowledgeable folk have gotten tired of the games.  Repost your question and we'll take another stab at it.

  14. I'm not upset at you.

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