
Did it appear to anyone else last night on the debates that Mr Obama?

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was having a hard time making eye contact with the camera. Could it have been because he did not have his Teleprompter. or was he just nervous. It made me feel like he was not being totally honest? what's your thoughts on this. Thanks in advance for all answers.




  1. I couldn't agree with you more!

  2. you try being the firt black presidential candidate, it's more than a little nerve racking

  3. he was making plenty of eye contact with the reverend.

  4. He speaks with so much equivocation and nothingness, one does not know really what his answer is. I don't think Obama is smart enough to be actually doing that on purpose to allow differences in opinion as to what he is really saying. I think it is  alot of ignorance on his part and a lot of lying, therefore making him really nervous!  I for one, fail to see what so many see in him.  He is certainly not presidential material!  

  5. I am convinced that Obama does not know what he stands for.  He gave answers that he could wiggle out of.  Obama doesn't even know why he wants to be president.  Obama has not come to a point in life where he has made tough decisions that he is willing to put his life on the line for.  It takes time and maturity to know what is right enough to commit yourself fully to and Obama isn't there yet.

  6. He's a better speaker with a teleprompter and the speeches written out for him. I don't think he's nervous, just not the best speaker without a written speech.  

  7. Yes, but then he never can make eye contact with people. Its hard to make eye contact when every word out of his mouth is a lie or half truth.

  8. Frankly, I don't know Mr. Obama personally. I can only go by what he does. Would any of us be nervous, in any way, having to talk before the public? Peace!

  9. Obama is so silver tongued he don't need no prompter. Yes he Can!

  10. Hi BeeBee nice to see ya.

    Obama was nervous and ashamed it seemed to be and you're right he had a hard time meeting the preacher's eyes and when he did he looked like a bad person.

    His eyes are cold and suspicious  it seems to me, he stuttered and rambled on and on.

    Obama knows the good people of this country are closing in on him.

  11. I did notice that he kept looking down to the side or to the table not even making too much eye contact with Pastor Warren.  He also kind of stutters a lot before giving an answer.  He is too conscious and too worried about each single word coming out of his mouth.  That apprehension gives the impression he is not being honest.I felt the same way.   I watched the debate out of curiosity to see how deep into religion Pastor Warren was willing to go.  I believe in the separation of church and state and do not see the need for this kind of  forum.  You did not ask, but I need to say however that the question about evil and Obama's answer was the most impressive for me. Obama said that we must must be careful about not causing more evil in our efforts to defeat evil.  Whereas McCain's straight answer was to defeat evil at all costs.    

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