
Did it ever occur to anyone that a few wealthy powerful people actually control this country?

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And the politicians are just there to make you feel good????




  1. Well the saying goes the one with the money has the power.  If the wealthy has the money, and they do, then they rule the country.  Who pays the majority of taxes?  The rich.  Who invests the most in big companies? The rich.  Who gives the most money to political campaigns? The rich.  Enough said.

  2. No, the government is set up to prevent this from happening. You do realize how many members are in the House of Representatives and Senate. That's a lot of people to convince not to speak out against a few people in power.... Plus there are three branches of government that creates a "checks and balances" system.

    And on top of that, we are a federalist nation, with State's equally or near equally sharing power with the federal government. And each State has a myriad of State Representatives and State Senators. As well as three coequal branches on the State level.

    It makes for good books and movies, but it isn't close to reality. The only thing that is plausible, is that there are a lot of selfish politicians out for individual gain, and some may be paid off by one or more of thousands of groups, corporations, etc. and that's why it seems so corrupt and gives way to conspiracy theories like this.

  3. yes it's occured to me ,but the politicians arn't doing a good job making ME feel good.

  4. Nobody is in control and that makes some  people so uncomfortable  they invent  conspiracy theories. They are like ancient religions that believed  human affairs were controlled by pagan gods that were  selfish and did not care about our welfare, but now instead of living on mount Olympus they live on wall street, at  the CIA headquarters in VA or even the ranch in    Crawford TX.

  5. Back in 1960's when I was in college I had a friend who was a

    John Birch Society member.

    Back before then did people know that this country (and world) was

    controlled by just a few very powerful men.

    Things have only gotten worse since WW II and the brief period of

    relative peace is nothing compared to what is coming up in WW III

    I think it started with 911 and the world will never be the same.

    Yes, you are right.  The world is really run by very few.  Not Bush or

    the next POTUS..they are just pawns..Look at our elections?:

    they are just a farce.


  6. Yes,and the beauty queen now aspires to be one of those people.

    Token wife, I can understand.

    Token V.P.


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