
Did it ever occur to you

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that someone started to be very offensive of agressive towards you, but you know that it's because they're jealous? Yesterday this happened to me for the second time in my life and I was taken aback. It's not that I am in a great position and that people have reason to envy me for anything. I have a difficult life like many others, but yet, I'm getting this extreme reaction. I'm deeply shaken and would like to hear about your personal experience and what did you do in that situation. Did you take it this badly or you did you rise above the situation?




  1. I can honestly say that I don't believe anyone has ever been nasty to me because they're jealous. I just don't think that's a reason people get nasty. I think that they're maybe very unhappy and need someone on whom to vent. Now when people do get nasty with me, I try to be as understanding and sympathetic as I can. I don't argue because there's not a point. I let them say their piece and then say, "I'm sorry you feel that way" and just let it go.  

  2. Jealousy is a very ugly and harmful emotion.  If the person physically hurt you, you have every right to report it to the police.  If it's just verbal, you're best to try and ignore it.  Usually they get bored if they don't get a reaction.  Don't allow this person to get you down.  They are not worth it and they need to get over their problem.  

    Just give them a wide berth and ignore their cr@p.

    Good luck.


  3. I took it badly but then I rose above it, and ignored the person.

  4. this has happened to me many times. i am only 16 & i am the most popular person at my school, i was the president of the school and most people seriously dislike me. its not a very good thing to be popular, your every move is examined and critisiced from everyone.

    so i have lived alot of situations like yours, where people treat me badly because of their jealousy. i dont take it badly i pity them because i know their goal in life is to be like me.  

  5. you should always rise above this

    situation. never let someone else's jealousy

    bring you down. but obviously, they must have

    it worse than you do if they're jealous. try giving him/her

    complements, everyone likes those.

  6. That really sucks. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

    I think you should just try and be nice, just be yourself. Maybe, (depending on the person) you should tell them how you feel, and ask why they are doing this. Having never experienced this myself, I can't say exactly what I'd do, but this is what I would try to do.

  7. It is hard to get through life without experiencing ugliness from another individual.

    I am 54 years old, and have had this happen more than a few times, during my life.  It always hurts. It is always a shock, and you will never get used to it.

    I can tell you that, if you make the decision to not let the actions of others influence you attitudes or actions, you will earn the respect of those who have been successful in life. If you can get to this point, what others say or think, will not keep you from doing or becoming what you are meant to be.

    The next time this happens to you, and it will, remind yourself that you are in control of your thoughts and actions.  Do not allow others to bring you down to their level.

    I am pulling for you!

  8. we all can get shaken up by aggressive behavior.  How u deal with it depends upon your personality and the situation.  Do u have a problem with confrontation? If not then maybe u should let them know jealousy is an ugly thing and they need to get over it.  

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