
Did it hurt when you got your wisdom teeth pulled out?

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I know that it doesn't hurt during the surgery because they drug you up, but does it hurt after wards?

I asked my dentist and she said no but the assistant shook her head yes... Then she said it was different for everyone.

So I'm asking for personal experience... Did it hurt after wards? Did it hurt a lot? Just A little? Was it bearable? How long did it take for the pain to go away?




  1. My experience was it doesn't hurt any more than the extraction of other teeth (molars). I was expecting it to be 'horrible' from what everyone told me. The worst part was the needle 'stick' when the dentist was injecting the numbing drug prior to the extraction. My jaw was sore for a couple of days, but it wasn't bad. Good luck and don't worry.

  2. Honestly, I hardly felt pain because I kept up on the medications. There was only one time where I felt pain. The drugs from the surgery were wearing off, but the pain is bearable. It goes away soon after taking medication.

    Just keep up with them and you'll be fine

    I don't think it hurt, I was just more uncomfortable being swollen and not being able to eat and stuff

  3. I just had my wisdom teeth removed, and I didn't even need the pain medicine. It is different for everyone, but most people I know didn't have it to bad. For the first day they'll put cotton in your mouth and there will be blood...a lot of maybe just a little, it depends. But, the first day was the worst for me. Just sleep, and don't mix chocolate ice cream with the pain medicine =) . Oh, and I was eating solid food on the 2nd day.

    I hope this helps.

  4. it is difrent for everyone, for example, if you have surgery they may have to cut up some tissue and bone grom the jaw , it may leave some sorness afterwards but drs usually precribe a good pain realiever and atibiotic for that , i think you'd be ok, don't be afraid.

  5. my sister got her wisdom teeth pulled out a week ago, she had to put ice on her cheeks off and on again to keep them from swelling, she also took pain pills for 4 days cause she got them cut out

  6. Are yours impacted??

    All four of mine were impacted and two broke the skin but never erupted so there was a hole that stuff could go in but you couldn't get it out, and it got infected. Yuck. So I had to have all four surgically removed and they had to stitch it back up after. I was put completely asleep for the surgery and then afterwards I was on so much percoset and whatever else that it didn't bother me at all.

    To be honest, it wasn't that bad and I would do it again in a heartbeat, I am so glad to have my wisdom teeth out. I couldn't eat much for like two days but they give you enough 800mg Ibuprofen and Percoset to really take the edge off, and you shouldn't be in a lot of pain.

    PS- Stay away from dairy products and don't smoke or drink out of straws. The dentist should tell you all about this but you do NOT want a "dry socket" or you will be in a lot of pain.

  7. I got my wisdom teeth out a few years ago. It did hurt for a few hours after definitely, and I had to take out the gauze and replace it twice I think, which would put pressure on the wound and hurt. But I was still really out of it for those several hours after so I'd be back asleep in 2 minutes anyway. 4-5 hours after the surgery you won't be groggy and the pain will really subside. I had my friend bring me a smoothie; best thing ever for that night! Jut no straws obviously. But the cold helps any continuing bleeding to stop and numbs the wounds a bit. For the next week I was a little uncomfortable but didn't have to take any pain meds until later in the evening after a full day of talking and eating finally took its toll and it got really sore. I wasn't eating sold food for almost a week though, I mean eating mashed potatoes and yogurt lol. Honestly though, I felt BETTER after getting my wisdom teeth out than I did before. My wisdom teeth had already started coming in and the pressure I'd been dealing with for the 2 months previous was almost worse than the pain after surgery! Unless you run into other complications like dry sockets, the pain should not be unbearable. Just take the meds they give you if you are in pain.

  8. well, i haven't gotten mine pulled, but i've had friends who have.

    one of my friends told me that his mouth was still numb after the operation, and that when he got home, it started bleeding like crazy. He took a nap to make it stop, but when he woke up, it started bleeding a little bit more. He also said his cheeks were puffy, which made him look like a chipmunk; which is kinda cute, anyway x]

    but as far as pain, i'm not sure..

    if it does occur, i'm sure it will be bearable.. and last at the MOST, a week.

    so good luck! ;D

  9. Yeah during the surgery your drugged out of your mind.

    And hmmmm.. a few hours after the surgery. After the drugs were losing their effect is when it starts to hurt. For me anyways.. But i just took more pain pills and it went away. For me the pain lasted for about 2 days after the surgery. And that was it.

    Sure the pain is there but it's bearable.  

  10. i got all 4 taken out. afterwards it's sore. the first day it hurts. next two weeks youre sore, and it's tender. prepare to eat mashed potatoes, and icecream, soup, and soft things. it's barable.

  11. I havent got mine removed yet but i will be soon. I have heard that it does hurt after...that your super swollen and dont want to eat or talk and some ppl get infections :( .... however the heeling process usually lasts 3days so to indure some pain for a couple of days may not be so bad...I hear its a throbbing soar pain not like a sharp one.

  12. I swelled up like a chipmunk after mine were pulled.  I was in pain for days.  My boyfriend, however, was out with friends the same night he got his pulled.  No problems.  So I think it does depend on your body.

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