
Did it p**s you off that Nastia tied that Chinese gymnast and then got silver?

by Guest21159  |  earlier

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It did me. I would have thought that they should have gone the other direction and given it to Nastia because she had a higher start value. I am so tired of China beating us. Ugh. And what about in Vault finals yesterday when He totally biffed her landing and then scored high. Hopefully they can prove that the chinese are underaged and strip them of all their medals. Kinda hateful, I know






  2. yes

  3. fsjf;svuwjrlkjqw;diaifqwjf28759874rijwfk...


  4. I think we should send a letter ahead to London warning them if the US does not win gold in every event we will accuse their country of cheating...maybe we should just not go to the Olympics anymore and just have the US games...then every gold medal winner will be from the is that for a plan...can I get an Amen from all the crybabies?

  5. Of course not.

    Those are the rules and the Chinese girl got the gold fair and square.

    As for the underage issue, isn't it time people got over it?

    Oh, and Liukin was not very gracious about her second place.

  6. I think you might p**s some ppl off for asking this since not everyone watches the olympics live online and the recorded event is about to be on soon so some readers of this were just spoiled......

  7. Why noone mention about the Chinese bronze medalist got massive underscored on execution? If you watched her performance, you cannot pick any major mistake and yet she only got 8.9xxx on execution. It is still a mystery on why she got such a low score. Everyone thought she will be the gold medalist after she performed. It is the biggest disappointment of the night, not Nastia tie breaking defeat. Even Nastia admitted that the bronze medalist was underscored.

    So go ahead, revoke the judgments, switch the Gold and bronze medalists and Nastia will still be silver medalist

  8. Americans are so SAD!!! You should read this...even your fellow American is saying the scoring is correct. Stop crying about it...China is also a powerhouse now!!!

    READ THIS!!!!!

    EDIT: They have the same start value!!!!

  9. Please, I see no one arguing about Shawn Johnson. And she's smaller than other Chinese Gymnasts I see. Just because you guys can't accept that most Chinese are smaller and nimbler than the average American doesn't mean you have to run a full investigation on this. My mom is even smaller than those Chinese Gymnasts, and she is Chinese too.

  10. quit complaining. your making us americans look like whiny b*****s.

  11. Yes, it did.

    It was so unfair.

  12. What you're saying is highly speculative and wishful thinking. Don't say a word till yo yourself have solid, reliable evidence. End of story.

    I'd like to also add ( you probably didn't know this): NASTIA LUIKIN WAS BORN FROM 2 RUSSIAN PARENTS, WHO BOTH COMPETED FOR THE USSR (RUSSIA) IN PAST OLYMPICS so you're very lucky for her to even be in the American team rather than the Russian. Don't take for granted that little known fact.

  13. Wouldn't that make the Americans look even more inept? They allowed little kids to beat them.


    How to make whine(Wine)?

    Add Water, An American and A loss.

  14. first off, I'm pretty sure Nastia and the chinese gymnast had the same start value. and if they didnt, then that means that in order for them to have tied, the chinese wouldve gotten a higher execution score which would mean that she did better than the US.

    second, it came down to the 2nd tie breaker and the judges found less deductions from the chinese gymnast.

    so in this cause, china won this through hardwork and lots of training.  

  15. No, it didn't.

    And I thought Nastia was a real sourpuss.

    Those Chinese gymnasts are getting what they deserve.

  16. u spoiled it :(

    but really that does make me mad ill just pretend that i didn't read this when i watch it

  17. First of all they both have a start value of 7.7 so I don't know where you got that Nastia's routine is more difficult. And the Chinese who fell on the vault finals was Cheng Fei, not He Kexin. They gave her better points because despite her fall and the deductions, both of her vaults had a higher difficulty level than Alicia Sacramones' so in the end she ended up scoring slightly better than Alicia. Cheng's first vault was awesome which definitely helped. Your question just goes to show that people will hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see.

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