
Did it take you some time?

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I knew I was g*y when I was about 14 but have only recently been able to come to terms with it. Is that common. WHy?




  1. Because denial is not only a river in Egypt.

    Social and cultural conditioning, family expectations and religious beliefs often push us in a strongly heterosexual direction; and as you well know there is additionally remaining prejudice against g*y folk.

    It is hard to be honest with yourself and others when you are going against the flow of the culture and values and expectations that surround you.  And people don't want to be hated, rejected, damned or looked down upon.  It can seem easier to deny it -- to hope that "g*y" is "just a phase" or "confusion" and will eventually go away and be "cured".

    It took me half my life to accept that I am truly g*y, because I thought this was offensive to God and I was not brave enough to go against the mainstream accepted by my community and family.

    Until homosexuality is accepted as natural, and religions adapt to the reality of this, and L*****n and g*y people are widely accepted, there will continue to be a gap between what we secretly know in our bodies, what our hearts and minds can accept, and what we actually are courageous enough to live out.

  2. I think its common. It took me 10 year to finaly accept that I wasnot straight. feel so much better now

  3. I figured out I was g*y age 7, I'm only just starting to be cool with that now, (I'm 177)

    ***Edit OMG, i meant I'm 17 lol***  

  4. Sure, I first had homosexual feelings even younger than that - but didn't really start acting on them until I was 19 or so; but even having s*x some with women over the years until about age 26 I decided I was exclusively g*y.

    I think the time table is different for everybody.

  5. I think it is common, yes. Many of us had it drilled into our heads that a relationship/marriage between a man and a  woman is the norm. When you throw in religious zealots who claim that g*y people are abominations, it becomes an even bigger mess. It takes a while to work through all of that nonsense and come to a place of acceptance.

  6. Yeah completely, every L*****n I know has taken at least some time to come to terms with it. I was pretty young when i first thought i knew...i guess you spending a while checking that you're sure...thats half the fun. Enjoy it and congrats!

  7. hey its took me 20 yrs to admit it..I'M A L*****n!!!!

    i,ve just joined internet dating site and have met a few people i cant wait to live my life as i want to  I'm 36 and think when you get older you think what the to be honest even though i knew g*y people i didn't want to live that life or be that offence i was living in a world where i wanted to be perfect but i know I'm perfect as i am plus i have a daughter and thought i'd hate her to go through the same i want her to know its ok to be what you wanna be or are,it sent me loopy lying to myself.

    come on though i think wouldnt life just be easier to be straight but thats bollocks life is harder hiding your true self.

  8. Yes, it took me a long time to finally stand up and say "this is me, take it or leave it"

    Why, because its seen as unhealthy to be different from mr normal

  9. Dear Scott-in-Lx,

    Honesty is the best policy even though we do not like what we hear, is said to us or what we read but it will not change the facts from the truth.  Now I say this to everyone Scott, so that you will know exactly where I stand with telling people the truth.

    You have come a long way in your g*y lifestyle now that you have been able to come to terms with it and I applaud you for that.  You must always be true to and for yourself and in doing so you will be honest in all of your dealings with everyone you meet.  Honesty and Integrity are two ow the most powerful attributes a person can have and it is best to keep them intact and unblemished.

    You have learned  a very valuable lesson and it took time, some people can immediately accept their lifestyle quickly others take time and if we listen to our heart then we will know when we have accepted what we want to have happen and be in life.

    Personally for me I was 6 years old and that was many, many, many moons ago and it took all of a week for me to understand I was different and to accept it even though I did not "fully" understand it until several years later I knew what i wanted and have never looked back on my decision to live the g*y lifestyle.  Were there bumps in the road?  You bet there are and were, but it is all on how you handle them that smooth them out and make the road nice.

    Follow your heart (always) and you will not only be happy but will live a fulfilled life.  You may not get all of your wants, but you can have all of your needs.  Enjoy life to the "MAX" and have fun, stop every once in a while and smell the roses (literally) and help someone at times who you do not know just for the sake of helping them out, even if it is helping an old man get to the other side of the street and you will feel like you could float away because you did something that was a random act of kindness.

    Well, I guess I should quit rambling but enjoy your life Scott, You will be in my prayers and May God Bless!

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