
Did john lennon write any book? if so what were they and what about?

by Guest33228  |  earlier

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Did john lennon write any book? if so what were they and what about?




  1. In his Own Write

    A Spaniard in the Works

    Skywriting by Word of Mouth

    There-I gave you titles, now go to work and read synopses.  

  2. Lennon published two books of assorted fragments of 'zany' prose and poetry. The first was 'John Lennon in his own Write' and the second was 'A Spaniard in the Works'.

    Reading them gives you a fairly good idea of what the sense of humour was like in the mid-1960s in Britain (just before Monty Python started up).

  3. The great songwriter/peace guru, John Winston Lennon, wrote the book "In His Own Write," and starred in the film "How I Won the War."

  4. I guess the update installed a new driver that isnt fully compatiable with your mouse , but try using google..

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