
Did john mcdermott deserve to loose 2nite? I DONT THINK SO HE WAS ROBBED!WON ABT5 RNDS AT LEAST .?

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Did john mcdermott deserve to loose 2nite? I DONT THINK SO HE WAS ROBBED!WON ABT5 RNDS AT LEAST .?




  1. What...he LOST? I did watch it from round three, and saw him almost out Williams on the floor - then when Williams thought it was all over, tired and shakey, he started to play dirty (and had points deducted). I left the pub just before the end of the final round. Funny, though - looking at the bodies, Williams looked muscled, and John McDermott was a bit flabby from behind, but he was the one who was giving Williams the trouble. Five rounds would seem a bit heavy on your disappointment - but if anything, I thought John McDermott had pinched it. Mr. Williams should be feeling a bit guilty in the cold light of day.!

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