
Did kim clisters ever play federation cup for the usa?

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Did kim clisters ever play federation cup for the usa?




  1. No, but all us Aussies thought she might play for us one day,  she was treated like our adopted daughter, sort of like how the yanks do with any immigrant who makes good.

    She reminded me of a pig to look at, Hewitt certainly made the right choice in the looks dept when he married Bec Cartwright.

  2. No dumbass, she's from Belgium and has only ever played on the Belgian Federation Cup Team.

  3. No, she's Belgian, and although she's now married to an American, her possible dual citizenship, like her marriage, would have happened after she retired.  She was at one time engaged to Lleyton Hewitt, and the Australian Tennis Federation were hoping she might play for Australia eventually, but of course they broke up, and she never said she would have played for them anyway.

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