
Did main media outlets, newspapers, TV and radio, lose a golden opportunity to sell their papers/programs?

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Obama clearly side stepped the main stream newspapers, radio, and TV news by announcing his VP choice, a BIG news story, by text message. This is the news that sells newspapers and news programs. Will the MSM continue to support him when he clearly doesn't support them, except when it is to his advantage?




  1. This is an excellent point. These days, though, I think that most people buy newspapers to read more of the story than they'll find other places. I'm a newspaper editor, and I know that I have to try to offer something more than what people can get over the radio or on TV. This new approach with text messaging is just a more extreme extension of what print journalists are already dealing with.

    I actually thought the text message approach was an excellent way to capture the attention of young voters.  

  2. For those of us who were up late, the major networks had the story confirmed just after midnight. And the newspapers had the "all signs point to Biden" approach in their final editions.

    The text message was just a way of confirming it. So I don't think your theory works that well.

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