
Did man really go to the moon?

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i was wondering did man eally go to the moon? if it is possible then why has no one been on there since? always puzzles me that one!!




  1. Yes they did land on the moon, only people who

    - hate the government

    - know less science than a Highschool student

    - want to make money with their books and videos

    - simply are trolling

    claim otherwise.

    NASA has i.e.

    - eyewitnesses

    - a whole load of documentation (including the tracking data from foreign countries)

    - thousands of pictures

    - hours of film

    - the laser reflectors

    - >300kg of moonrocks

    - a congratulation from the russians

    Most of the landingdeniers counterclaims don't even need an expert to be shown wrong, they are just stupid. .

    i.e. Hoaxers claim that the flag was waving in some wind

    Now everyone who bothers to do some research (instead of relying on the fraudulent Snippets the Hoaxers show) will find out, that the flag was held up by a wire, and appeared only to be waving while (and shortly after) being handled by one of the astronauts.

    You also have to ask yourself if it is really believeable that NASA would miss a waving flag if they wanted to fake it?

    Now certain  answerers may claim otherwise but if you read their stuff, and all the answers in the questions there he participated you will notice that all his "evidence" has been debunked numerous times.

    Do they acknowledge it? Are they even try to explain why the explantions given are incorrect? No, they just repeats the same bunch of lies over and over again. That should give you an idea about their  honesty...

    If you want to discuss this further may I recommend

  2. This is a great one for consipracy theorists! I believe man DID.

    But when my children are being a bit too reliant on 'accepted facts' I do like to remind them it could all be a stunt! More to jig their philosophical minds though.

    There's not much going on up there, apparently it looks much more interesting from here. Thats why there's not been a lot of repeat traffic...


    six HUNDRED and  sixty-five  

    TIMES this has been asked and answered... it showed up when you went to post this question.... what reason is there that you had to do it again?... go read the other six hundred and  sixty four posts....sheesh................

    and just for the heckuvit..... YES.... we did go to the moon... and we're going back soon..... and we havent' had the money or equipment handy to go somewhere we'd already been.... ya know?... been there, done that?.............

  4. well lots of people these days are illergic to cheese so cannot go to the moon :)

  5. The six Apollo Moon landings are among the best documented events in human history: thousands of pictures, hours of video, nearly half a ton of Moon rocks, and millions of eye witnesses, including myself. There is not a single scientist in the world who doubts that they took place. To deny them is to discredit the magnificent achievement of the team which went to the Moon, and to reveal abysmal scientific ignorance.

    Why has no one been back to the Moon since the original six landings in 1969-72? Very simple: lack of money. Congress cut NASA's funding after the sixth lunar landing in 1972 because the public seemed to have lost interest in the Moon and the "space race" with the Soviet Union had been won. It was tragically bad timing, because Apollo 17 in 1972 was the _first_ Apollo voyage to have a trained scientist, Harrison Schmitt, on board, and was supposed to be the first of three scientific expeditions.

    More was learned about the Moon and its history in that last voyage than in the previous 5 put together, and much more would have been learned if the two next voyages had been funded. Instead the US space program was redirected into the boondoggle of the shuttle and space station programs, neither of which has made much contribution to science.

  6. Yes, we really did go to the moon.  There's just not much there to make it worthwhile to go back.

  7. To confuse the matter about all this, is the claim that only Apollo 11 was hoaxed, but the others were not.  This is from the Billy Meier / Plejaren info (see [English Discussion Board] archives ).

    And if anyone thinks NASA is squeaky clean and honest with the public - should view the documentary "The Missing NASA Transmissions" which illustrates they'd rather hide information, than reveal it.

    Why didn't the Russians ever do a Manned moon landing? Or even go around the Moon?

    I've only watched about 6 or so documentaries which deals with Moon Landing controversy.

  8. If you watch "Capricorn one" you will see the sort of thing that goes on around the world with governments lying about these types of events,  yes I know it was only a fictional film but so was the Apollo moon landings,  Filmed in a studio       NO NO NO NO NO NO   MAN HAS NEVER BEEN ANYWHERE NEAR THE MOON,  and wont for a few years yet. the technology is still not there to return them safely

  9. it was real. i'm usually open minded about political issues, but on this one i am very close minded. there is an enormous amount of scientific evidence backing it up.

    with achievement always comes speculation. all the theories people have, or their so called "evidence" are very week, and the logic is extreamily flawed.

    hundreds of people were there, by the lanch site, when the rocket was thrusted up to space. they saw the astronautes get on. they saw them take off.

    and the russians were watching the footage that we were taking from the moon. if anyone was going to jump on the idea that the moon landing was fake, they would've been the first one. the russians were watching us like a hawk- the analyzed video, audio, and the radiosignal strength. they proved that the video signal was infact coming from the moon.

    people also say that if we landed on the moon, we should be able to see the flag. that idea is extreamily flawed. the most powerful telescope on earth only gets football field resolution. that basically means that every pixel... every little different colored block... is equivilent to the an area the size of a football field on the moon. if the flag was the size of a football field, we would still have a very hard time seeing it unless we deeply analyzed all the photos. and we all know that flag wasn't the size of a football field. they also talk about how the flag was waving. it wasn't really waving. the flag wasn't even standing up by itself. when nasa made the flag, they put a horizontal bar making the flag expand out. after all, a droppy flag wouldn't raise much moral back in america!




    the horizontal bar was placed in section a.

    there were also ripples created by the same process.

    other people say it wasn't true because we coudln't see stars in the sky. the moon's surface is highly reflective. the light, and the technology of the time, made it hard... if not impossible to see the stars. there is actually more light polution on the surface of the earth than in my neighborhood. and like i said, the cameras weren't exactly state of the art. not only did they have to capture the moon, but inturn it had to be transmitted 250,000 miles back to earth, and then be broadcasted to all the stations featuring it, and then again broadcasted to all the tv's watching that channel. and the tv's weren't that good either!

    so yes, the moon landing was real.

  10. Good point!! You'll find this article interesting:

  11. Hello --

    Yes Americans did go to the moon!!!

    The problem was that it cost a lot of money, and we didn't get anything back (accept the glory).

    The reason no one has gone back is that it just isn't cost effective be in second place.

    The question comes up which would be better -- spending a Billion dollars going back to the moon and collecting rocks, or spending a Billion dollars trying to cure AIDS?

    Hope that helps,


  12. I think the same as you,with the technology today compared to the apparent moon landing then surely  they would have gone back,how did they take off again to get back to earth,didn't everyone involved die shortly after

  13. pffft,did we eck,well we havent been since or is it the price of fuel that stops em

  14. Yes we did.  

    The reasons given on the site the first person to reply listed have got to be some of the stupidest things I've ever read on this subject.  Are these seriously the reasons people have for not believing?

    Go here if you want to read a page that wasn't written by someone who failed high school science -

    We haven't gone back since because nobody wants to pay for it.  They were willing to pay for it back then just so we could beat the russians and prove we were the most technologically advanced nation on earth.  There's really no mystery to it.

  15. Yes, we've been to the moon... the reason we haven't been back is simple: after we sent six missions to the Moon, Congress decided there were more important things to spend money on, like wars, and severely cut NASA's budget.  At the same time, NASA had conducted enough research on the Moon as it thought necessary at the time, and began focusing on other projects such as space stations, the shuttle, and eventually unmanned missions to Mars and other planets.  However, NASA is currently working on a goal of sending manned missions back to the Moon by 2020, as are other countries such as Japan.

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