
Did man realy develp from apes?

by Guest63398  |  earlier

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as in from uncellular to multycellular organisims as evolution in the origin of man.




  1. Ed is correct.  We essentially are apes.  We are the last in a long line of bipedal apes.  We share a common ancestor with chimps that is roughly 5 to 6 million years old.  That common ancestor split into multiple populations.  One went on to evolve into chimps and bonobos.  Another went on to evolve into the Paranthropus, Australopithecus, and Homo line as well as some other possible.  If you go back beyond 5 million years, our chimp human last common ancestor shared a common ancestor with gorillas about 7 to 8 million years ago.  If you go back even further you find the common ancestor with orangutans.  Further back, all primates.  Further still, you will find the common ancestor of all mammals.  The fossil and DNA evidence leave very little doubt.

  2. I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but there is as much proof of the above, or of the Alien theory, or any other theory. Even the out of Africa theory is now regarded as nonsense by up and coming Anthropologists. Then of course you will have to get God out of the picture before you can get even a toehold on the arguement.

  3. In the strict biological sense, Homo sapien is an ape. However, because their direct ancestors were bipedal & their brains are not only much larger, they can speak, they are a different species of ape. The direct ancestor of Chimps & humans died out some 5 to 6 million years ago & some evidence exists to suggest that ancestor was a bipedal ape(walked upright).  

    The "evolutionary tree" looks like a bush with many different branches & the evolution of a species does not necessairly mean the branch that produced the new species died out. Chimps & Bonobos split ~2 million yrs ago to form a new species, but we are not sure which of the  2 is the parent species.

    I'm not going to spend much time on an in depth answer here, because so many that ask this question are simply creationist trolls bent on hateful attacks on scientific inquiry.

    If you wish to believe all was done by an invisible man in the sky, please do so, but leave those that seek wisdom alone.

  4. Yes but sadly our spelling and grammar and other language skills are clearly still evolving!

  5. No, we evolved as our own species, just as other beings  evolved of theirs...which is why you won't find any "link" to already existing creatures, no matter how much they try or would like to.

    Every realm in Creation creates & evolves a body vehicle for us to use so that experience of that realm is possible.  It was the purpose of the whole deal to begin with.  It has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with truth.

    Good Journey!!!

  6. Man, apes, Old- and New-World monkeys, prosimians, evolved from a common prehistoric ancestor.  Like the branches of a tree, all of us human and non-human primates branched out from the core ancestor.

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