
Did man truly originate from ape,acording to the theory of evolution? if so dose God look like ape?

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the bible made me to know that God created other animals in their deferent looks,and created only man in his own image and likeness,so how can man from the begening be in form of an ape.




  1. The Theory of Evolution contradicts the Bible. Assuming that the Theory of Evolution is correct (and there is a lot of evidence to support it), then the Bible is either wrong (on that point at least), or could be construed to mean that God set up the conditions for man to evolve into something that matches his image (there is no evidence to support this idea though).

  2. You're trying to mix religion and science. It doesn't always work out.

    I listened to a minister and a devout member of his congregation:

    "Is the bible the word of god?"

    "The bible is inspired by god but written by men."

    Which comes down to if something in the bible is wrong, then it's the fault of the guy taking dictation. Same answer if something isn't clear.

    The bible has also been through numerous translations, revisions, and publications. There's even a Reader's Digest condensed version.There's a lot of stuff in the bible that doesn't match the facts on the ground

  3. No - humans and apes descended from a common, and probably ape-like, ancestor.

    If the Bible made you know that god created animals and man, you should ask for a second opinion. Read another book, like "God: The Failed Hypothesis. How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist" by Victor Stenger. We created god in our image, which is why god looks like us, acts like us and changes his morality as time goes by. For example, the Jews 2000 years ago believed that you could sell your daughter (Exodus 21:7-11) or force your wife to serve as a prostitute (Genesis 12:13-19 ). These ideas are considered completely and religiously unethical today, yet the first five books of the Bible are always argued to have been directly written by god. So did he change his mind? Is he then imperfect? No, he is our creation.

    And I have a question to pose as well - when you are sick, do you go to youtube for "tangible" medical advice? No, you go to a doctor. When your car stops, do you hitch a ride home to check on youtube to see what is wrong? Presumably not. So why look to youtube for "tangible evidence" for the existence of god or the literal truth of the Bible? Tangible evidence for evolution is outside. Grab a book on biology and head out there. It is wicked cool.

  4. This is definitely the correct answer, I have tangible evidence. the THEORY of evolution as is called is simply a theory which Darwin suggested, but he also said, "i do not believe in this theory because i have proof but because it helps me in understanding the systems that make up the human. So he himself did not believe it was a fact and admitted that there were missing links of about 6 billion years, not sure of that period. It is only taught in schools as though it is a fact because the famous scientist Gallilo  was sentenced to death by the church as his views contradicted the bible, So the science community tought that we came from apes  rather than our Parent ADAM peace be upon him, whom Allah, the Lord of the universe created. but Gallilo was correct whatever that contradiction was in the bible, not only proving that the bible is not from God as it the bible is unscientific and that the whole christian faith is based on a scripture that has so many simple addition errors suggesting that God cannot add. The most important in my answer is the video links below. Keep looking for the truth. Be true when you find it. Does it make sense. Is it Logical. MUST watch videos for tangible evidence.

  5. i think you can either believe in evolution or creation.if we did come from apes,wouldnt we strill be like them or them like us?so i guess im veering towards creation,man being intelligently designed!

  6. we did not evolve from apes we share a common ancestor.




    you are saying humans are C and apes are A, but in actuality humans are B and apes are C, the common ancestor we share is A

  7. yes, God looks like an Ape. Dr Zaius had a statue of God in his courtroom,and it was a statue of an Ape

  8. Much of the Bible's teachings are in parables and metaphors. I don't think the writers of the Bible ever meant to say that God was some white bearded old man walking around on clouds... and consequently, that we "look" like we do for that reason. That we are "made in God's image" is more a reference that our SOULS are made of the same "stuff" as God.

    With that concept in mind, I find no conflict with the concept of evolution NOR in reincarnation... which I happen to believe in as well. I look at the soul as growing... like a child. That it takes generations... even millenia... of incarnations, going back even to neanderthals of growth and life lessons before we achieve the level of "growth" comparable to God and can go on to a higher level... call it Heaven if you want, but whatever it is... a plane of being where a mortal existence is no longer necessary.

    Needless to say, I'm not a classic Christian, but the foundation for my belief system started there.

  9. Not ape...

    God looks like a single-celled bacteria, only much bigger!

    Similar to how the universe looks like a bubble of water...

  10. Well if you can answer on Who created God .... there you will find your answer too

    Take Care  

  11. I don't understand the argument between evolution and creation.  Why does it have to be one or the other?  Evolution is a proven scientific fact.  This does not have to mean that God didn't create us.  We are created in God's image.  This doesn't necessarily mean we look like God.  It means that, in many ways, we are like Him.

    Take the creations of man, and tell me they haven't evolved over time.  The airplane the Wright Brothers created evolved into the space shuttle.  The car has evolved, the television, the telephone, etc.  It only stands to reason that God's creations evolved also, as He made his improvements on His work.  Who's to say we're the finished product?  Some of us are not growing in our wisdom teeth, which are no longer needed.  Like it or not, we're evolving right before our very own eyes.

    I believe in God, and I believe He created the universe and everything in it.  But I believe He had a process.  He didn't just snap His fingers.

  12. Perhaps once upon a time the ancient Hebrews believed that humanity was literally created in the physical image of God.  I'm a Roman Catholic and interpret it as created in the spiritual image of God, that we are "above" the other animals in this respect.  To say that God is some Zeus-like dude up in the clouds is an insult to God's infiniteness, his incomprehensibility.  I do believe that evolution is a viable theory for our present existence, believing that God was integrally involved in man's evolution from single-celled organisms through past apes and amphibians, etc. (it's a simplified concept of evolution, but you get the idea).  I believe God to be the force behind evolution, what we discern with the tools he gave us in nature.  And the greatest evidence of this miracle is the fact that we as humans reenact the history of life in the womb, starting from two single-cells that meet, developing into creatures with tails and gills, until we develop fully into Homo sapiens sapiens.

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