It seems that numerous people have chosen to let their old habits of spewing BS and vile comments contained within questions flow today! In fairness I listened to the speech's given at the DNC..and ya know..Michelle and Barrack sounded good..I even thought..."wow..maybe together..we can change things for the better,..end discrimination and abolish stereotypes, make the playing field even for everyone"..but after today, I see why I was skeptical in the first place. Even if Obamas intentions are well meant..its is blatantly obvious that it is many (not all..) of his own supporters that are the people ruining his campaign by their rude, childish and unwarranted comments.It doesn;t appear they want change at all..they only want to win..and thats just politics as usual. They will never convince anyone that change is possible..when they are not willing to step up and set the example..