
Did mccain do a stupid thing picking unkown female?

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Did mccain do a stupid thing picking unkown female?




  1. There goes the slim chance McCain had. His "experience" factor argument was so strong Obama was forced to pick Biden to counter it. Picking a virtual unknown, with no experience outside of small town city politics, easily gives Obama 4-5%.

  2. not at all. he is shoring up the female vote, and the Hiliary voters, because we all know Obama should have picked Hilary as his running mate (with her 18 million voters), but his audacity led him to chose some old two-time loser white guy from the old establishment. so much for change, but Hilary supporters will definitely throw it back in Obamas face for not picking her, and by McCain chosing a woman just helped seal that decision up

  3. I will reserve judgment for the time being. At her acceptance she spoke well and didn't seem to be a complete idiot, We will see how it shakes out. The first debate should tell the tale.

  4. After the way the Dems dumped Hillary a female candidate is a slam dunk.Thanks Obama.

    Unknown means no baggage. A great find.

    Excellent choice. The only way he could win.

  5. you don't follow the news much, do you? this locks McCain for the Whitehouse.

  6. h**l yes! Thank you McCain.. he just gave Obama the presidency

  7. It was brilliant....less than 24 hours after Obama's carefully scripted and staged Celebration of Himself....his disciples are screaming about "Experience" rather than "Change"... you actually think Obama will join this tactic...?  Or maybe he can hit McCain on "pandering" or "balancing out his weaknesses"......Obama's favorite tool, rhetoric, has just become about 50% less effective because half the criticism he shoots out is going to bounce back at him...

  8. No the RNC & the PNAC did the same thing eight years ago and it worked out just fine

  9. yes, just like the Democrats picking a Marxist socialist. strange huh?

  10. Defiantly, most of us expat US citizen's overseas are just waking up to this news.  

  11. He made a brilliant, gutsy decision. Unlike Obama supporters who want a rock star for President, we want someone with substance. Palin is a totally impressive woman. I already knew about her, but those that didn't will learn about her accomplishments soon enough and become as impressed with her as those of us ... who pay attention ... already are.

  12. Unknown?  Nope.

    Stupid thing? Nope

  13. Yes, it was stupidity. But his stupidity is another person's gain. *grin*

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