
Did men create the concept 'God'?

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well i am not an atheist. i just want your opinions... :-)




  1. Depends on how we bagan to communicate with each other. There could be no way people could design a language that we all now can speak and it not come from something greater than man. The concept was already there man just began to interpret it and speak and write about it.

  2. Most men would like to think so, but it's terribly egotistical.

    It was God that created the concept of man.

  3. I sure think so :)

    All about control.

  4. It's a slam-dunk. The steepest learning curve  is before the age of three. At that age, many survival decisions are made. They prime the rest of life.

    You are controlled by giants who feed, clothe, shelter and coddle you, and make all your decisions for you. You have to defer to them or those services stop, so you also have to find out how to appeal to the superpowers in order to get your way because you are helpless.

    With that kind a priming, the god invention is inevitable.

  5. Did people create the concept of God? yea and no. If God truly is real, there's no way people created Him. All religious things besides God Himself yes we created. It's possible that God never gave commandments, that He never spoke to Adam, Moses, to anybody. Man  could've made this all up in order to help us understand something we never will. Look at using Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, we tell them to little kids to help them understand the day is special, but they don't really understand why. It's very possible that people made up the Bible to explain something we won't understand yet.

  6. We learned to ask big questions before we had the means to answer them. "God(s)" was/were the answers we used.

  7. No-- the priests did, while under the influence of "the magic mushrooms".  And the power of the priest is gauged by the number of people he can persuade to perform some intricate mental acrobatics.  

  8. No ... God created people.  

    Then people abandoned God and later even the sacrifice of Jesus and took up their idols of money, power, greed, Oprah, television etc.

    Men have distorted the image of God in many ways, denied him, blasphemed him and he still was willing to send Jesus and loves us... just in what people ask on here we can see many people have got a distorted view of God.  Read the Bible if you actually are interested in learning something about God.  Books like Case for Christ by Lee Stroebel, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis etc. are also a good start.

    I just saw this quote on another post and it seems appropriate.

    "God exist whether or not men may choose to believe in Him. The reason why many people do not believe in God is not so much that it is intellectually impossible to believe in God, but because belief in God forces that thoughtful person to face the fact that he is accountable to such a God." -  Robert A. Laidlaw

    May you find truth, it is absolute and knowable and must be searched for diligently, but many will try to hide it, deny it or muddy it.


  9. yes

    who would care a bout a womans opinion

  10. was "nature" herself who has instilled in the mind man the idea of 'God'.

  11. i belive god created the world gods been around since the  sytart of the world and in genius where adam and eve are walikng in the garden it states they are walking with god  so there how we know we didnt create the concpt god

  12. Men created all concepts. Do this look upon a pool of water and see it without a label then you will know true reality and wont need to worry of God at all.

  13. Let's talk about neurology for a bit.

    There are regions in your brain that, when stimulated, can make you feel the presence of 'someone' in the room, even though your senses tell you nobody is there. There are regions that can make you feel completely connected with the universe and everything around you, a kind of wordless 'awareness' that everything makes sense and fits together. We know this because we can produce these sensations through direct stimulation, through the use of drugs that affect those regions, and so on.

    Add to that a pretty much hard-wired tendancy to associate things together. This is one trait that our brain is best at, and it's a great thing to have if it helps you realize that a tiger is following you through disparate signs. Sometimes it can misfire if you get in a fight with a friend and a relative dies at the same time to that you believe the two phenomenon are connected. We also see faces in things because we are hypersensitive to faces (I'm sure aliens see no faces in a colon and a parenthesis : ) even though pretty much all humans do).

    The interesting thing about all this neurology is that it should probably change the way we think of those early times with the first of mankind. Instead of religion being (at worst case) a malicious, parasitic invention meant to control others, it actually looks very much like it is COMPLETELY NATURAL for humans to have some kind of religion. Our brains are literally wired with all the antecedants. A kind of wiring that - because it is so universal - is probably not there by accident, but was evolved to be present.

    This ultimately leaves us in the same kind of position we are left with man himself. It is conceivable that we are evolved to be religious in a general sense because it happened to be beneficial for our species at some point. Religion would be just a by-product of nature. It is also possible that our religious nature was specifically put there by a conscious designer (though that would play hob with some religions' notions of divinely-granted free will).

    Whichever one you choose, we get a similar answer. The concept of a god is one that it is natural for us to have. It isn't much more of an invention than boulders rolling downhill or fires caused by lightning are. Men didn't create any of these things. Not really. At best we just identified that they were there.

    And it may be that it is only the CONCEPT that is there as far as gods are concerned. But it was certainly not US who wired our brains that way.

  14. I see this question and/or statement a lot on here.  Now here is my question.  If man created God, who created Satan or demons?  We know there are demonic forces.  Some worship Satan and call up demonic powers.  People will believe in the paranormal and demons before they put their faith and trust in God.  So, if many believe and seek out these things, why not seek out the more positive force?  

    Did God create demons?  According to scripture, which many on here have no time for, they are fallen angels.

  15. God is that than which nothing greater can be thought, and as such, is eternal and uncreated.

  16. ...yes, for power and control over the masses...

  17. No. They simply have to choice.

  18. Well yes...who else could have done it

  19. Well, yes. Religions were all formed by people. Who else? They didn't know science or anything.

    Personally, I think the Bible is c**p. I don't really mind of what people think about God, but the bible...

    dw, Im going on in another topic.

  20. yes they did but i think its stands for something like




    but its not english

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