
Did miss my chance to talk to this girl that was flirting with me?

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to give some background on me its been a while since iv dated a girl and im almost 20. well i met this girl at church im filipino and she is hispanic and i thought she was gorgeous pretty face, great smile, and the right height jus below me at 5"4.

well anyways i swear we had that momment you see in movies where she passes by and we lock eyesfor a couple seconds. then when i was gettin somethin in a crowded area she passed by me and i mean her whole body was one me she touched me left shoulder looked at me smiled gave a quick giggle and walked passed. durin that i was tryin to squeez my body so she could get past and i was sayin "sorry" i might be embellishing a tiny tiny bit

was she flirting with me????

did i miss my chance to talk to her???

and the main quesetion is i don't see her again for another week, if she was really flirting would she jus forget about me in that week or can i look forward to next week?????




  1. look forward to seeing her next week. get her #.

  2. Yes she was flirting with you and no, you did not miss your chance. You will see her again.

    You can talk about when you ran into her at the movie theater and eventually ask her out on a date when the conversation leads up to a point where you are comfortable doing so.

  3. She likes youuuu :)

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