
Did most you women FEEL pgrenant before find out?

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every month I just wait to for the time of the period hoping it won't come..

Does a woman feel that she is or not pregnant before the she sees period is late?




  1. i knew the morning after i had s*x, I went to my doctors told him and took a blood test which come back positive.  Sometimes you just know

  2. Yes, I knew with all 3.  Mostly it was a feeling but there was breast tenderness and a sensation that I had to pee A LOT (the hormones change the lining of the bladder to make it feel like you have to pee even before the baby is big enough to put pressure on the bladder).  I never threw up with any of my pregnancies so no morning sickness gave it away for me.

  3. My mom felt it almost the day after conception. I don't think that's typical, though.

  4. I had dreams before. Of course, I didn't end up having the child...but that's a different story.

  5. Yeah, I knew I was pregnant when I started having really bad nausea in the morning (even before I missed my first period) so yeah, I definitely knew I was prego.

    I'm a modern Feminist and we don't hate men.

  6. With a few of my children I experienced early symptoms of pregnancy (implantation bleeding, nausea, breast tenderness, mild cramping etc.)before I missed my period.  With a couple  of my pregnancies I just had a "hunch", and with one of my pregnancies I didn't know until my period was late.

  7. I could tell. physical symptoms aside, I felt different. a few weeks later I got 2 pink lines on my home test.

  8. yes, I just knew.

  9. I thought the symptoms I was feeling was because my period was coming. But when my period was 2 days late I knew. My period is like clock work every month.  

  10. No. I didn't have a clue until my period was five days late. Surprise, surprise. In retrospect, I had felt sick the morning before I took the pregnancy test, but chalked it up to something I ate the night before.

  11. I felt the nausea too before I got the positive results back.

    I also kinda just "knew".

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