
Did my Car Insurance company Rip me off ? Can you look over these papers she send me ?

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I recently moved from New York to Texas. Back in New York I had a separate policy of my own .

When I came to texas I went to the agent and changed my policy to Texas adresse.

Now my uncle seem to be pretty pissed at me cuz I went ahead and changed it on my own .... anyway ..The truth is I have very low to - no knowledge of how an insurance policy works . I want to know if the agent ripped me off because the Premium notice says - Total premium for this policy period March 11 to June 05, 2008 .

Doesn't this mean that my insurance is only good for 4 months ? In all honesty I dn't remember telling the agent how many months I wanted my policy ( cuz I am dumb ) .

I have a copy of 2 important papers my agent send me , can you please take a look at it and tell me what have I done wrong , and How I can fix it ?




  1. Good for 3 months, not 4. I am sure you were not ripped off, you just don't understand what you're paying for. No way to know without knowing more details, like your age and driving record. Just as stated go back to your agent and ask.Don't be afraid of the agent, that's they're job, to service you after the sale. My clients call me all the time with questions. He/she has made a commission from you and that is who should educate you, not us. Good Luck

  2. yeah cant read the forms...sorry.  you have a policy in force for 3 months.  if you stayed with the same company and only did an agent of record change, they kept the policy in force and this is probably effective from the date you changed agents until the end of your original policy period, and that's why its only 3 months.  call the agent and ask them.

  3. It means, you have a new policy.  You have a BINDER, which can only be issued for 75 days in Texas.  And State Farm only issues six month policies in Texas, also.  SO, that BINDER is a temporary form, until the Real, live policy gets to you - which, actually, should be within the next week or so.

    Your policy is a six month policy.  Because that's all State Farm writes in Texas.  But what you have, is NOT a policy.

  4. Your documents are not real clear.

    Your best bet is to go to the agent - take the forms with you - and ask the agent. Let the agent know that you don't know anything about insurance and need a lesson on it.

    The agent will be able to explain the coverages that you purchased, what your policy period is and the premium amount due.

    Trust me, there is no such thing as a dumb question.

    Ask your agent any question that comes to mind.

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