
Did my cat die peacefully and without pain?

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I had to take my beautiful 10-year old cat, Dewey, to the emergency vets on 7/8/08. He still had the IV in the leg and so the vet administered to drug in that to euthanize him next morning. His heart stopped in seconds and he looked peaceful - I just can't get over the loss - he was suffering so much and so please someone tell me that he didn't suffer a painful death. Please. Thank you.




  1. BIG HUGS to you.  Its never easy to lose a pet.  Letting him go that way is the most humane way, considering he was suffering before.  He was probably really thankful to be going, and glad to have you with him.

    It will be ok.  

  2. yes your baby died peacefully ...... sorry for your loss just the thought of it makes me cry for you. as soon as his heart stopped he was in kitty heaven  

  3. **Hugs you with cookies** Yeah, it sounds like he did.    They wouldn't try and hurt it before he died, don't worry. Vets are very smart people.Well, May Dewey RIP. Stay Strong.


  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Dewey did not suffer in death. If he was sick and you did nothing then he would have suffered. However making the decision to put him to sleep was the right choice. My family and I had to put down our German Shepherd Simba this past Thanksgiving, he had been to specialists after specialist and it came back that he had leukemia. My dad was a basket case. Again, I am sorry for your loss and it will get better I promise.

  5. awwww im so sorry for your loss, personally im a cat lover so i know he went in peace and you did what you could. thats all you could do to help him.

  6. Yeah he went to sleep, if it was agonizing I am sure you would have known.

  7. The drug used for euthanasia contains an anesthetic that creates a sense of euphoria before his heart stops.  It couldn't be more painless.  I'm sure it was very difficult for you to lose such a close friend of 10 years.  I'm very sorry to hear of your loss.  Peace be with you as it is with Dewey.

  8. yeah he died a Peace full death

    sure they would'nt inject him with something that would put him in alot of pain b4 he died  

  9. That is sad.  I am sure he died without pain.

  10. As some1 who works for a vet and sees euthanasias on a daily basis I can say that it is very peaceful. What happenes is the euthasol puts them sedatedly in a sleep and their heart slowly stops. That's why vets listen intently for heart beats afterwards.

  11. I am not a professional, but i have volunteered at an animal hospital. And the Euthinasia is not painful at all nad it only takes a little bit for it to kick in to action and then they are very relaxed until they die. So your cat passed away as if he was sleeping.  

  12. Euthanasia is very quick and is not painful. I've been with my pets when it was done.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  I've been there before too.

  13. He was in peace.

    I had to have one of my old cats put down and he was purring right up until his heart stopped.

    Don't worry about it ... he did not suffer.

  14. I'm very sorry, that must've been hard for you. I have two cats myself, and the thought of ever letting them go is not easy. I'm almost positive that such a humane way of putting an animal to sleep would not be painful. In fact, your cat is much happier now. He was probably in a lot of pain before.  

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