
Did my hair look better before or after I cut my bangs? Pictures =]?

by  |  earlier

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I wanted more bangs, so I cut them.

And I wanted to know, which is better? If it's before, that's fine, they'll grow back =)

Oh, and if I need to change them, how should I?


(please don't tell me I have on too much eyeliner, I know I do. I was experimenting with it.)





  1. I LOVE it before and after , but i think i might like after better because they look more full ... but you're gorgeous :)

  2. You cant really see them in the first pics... but they kind of look the same. The only difference is the after pic looks heavier because its straighter. They look fine in both.

  3. Id like it better before, but you still look pretty after.

  4. Totally after!!You look awesome,you should wear your hair like that often.Plus after the bangs compliment your face and make it look smoother and straight.  

  5. I think it looks very cute either ways...but I think the after looks better!

  6. i think it looks nice before and after.

  7. I like them after, as well. :)

  8. i <3 both ways, and i was thinking about somethingsimilar to this haircut, but I play soccer(13 yrs)and i think bangs get in the way personally.but i reallydo like that haircut!

  9. Its not your hair you should be worried about. Its your face. Can I say plastic surgery?

  10. Definantly after........But you should get them a little tiny bit shorter but ya I like them.....

  11. absolutely beautiful before & after !!!..& not just your hair you too :)...gosh i miss being a teen sometimes lol

  12. i really like after, they look much better thicker and layered like that.

  13. before  

  14. After.....Don't take pictures like the first one. It makes you look like a w***e.  

  15. after

  16. after

    ur beautiful!!

    hope i hellpd :]

  17. After definitely!

  18. i like your hair better now it looks really pretty, when i streighten my hair i do it to the side like that and it looks better with more bangs it looks more stylish :)

  19. after:)

  20. AFTER. :D


  21. afterr.

  22. After :D


  24. hmm.. toughie umm i think you look great either way but maybe after a teeny bit more. its a bit cuter :)

    answer mine ? >

  25. After.  But both look good if you ever want to grow your hair back out =).

  26. After!

  27. after.

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