
Did my husband's ex-wife get screwed during divorce?

by Guest61252  |  earlier

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my husband has been divorce from his ex-wife for 9 years and married to me for 3 years. i meet and married him 9 years after he was divorced from her. my husband told me some things that got me wondering. he told me all about how good his divorce lawyer was and blah blah blah. but after listening to all of this over the course of our 3 year marriage i failed to realize at first did his ex-wife ever have a lawyer? they had 5 court days set and she show up to just one of them. on the 5th one the judge got tired and gave my husband the finalized divorce. when the papers where presented to her she did not even read over the papers she just make nasty bad month comments and signed the papers. comes to find out she signed over alimony, pension and social security. the only thing she was entiltled to was child support. she was red hot furry pissed! and that is why she hate me. i did not find all of this out until after i married my husband. i love my husband and we get along great, but at time i wondered if i should go and get a divorce lawyer just in case something happens like this to me. can anyone tell me what happened in this case? why wasent she entitle to anything of my husband's earnings? he had lots of reason to divorce her, she cheated on him with men and woman and gave him a total of 5 stds in the past she was horrible. i know my marriage is not going to end in divorce with my husband becasue i will and have not cheated on him, but why did she get the worst end of this case?




  1. I'd say she screwed herself. I wouldn't worry about it. Be a good person and you have nothing to fear.  

  2. By missing her court dates and possibly not having a lawyer. If she had one, she probably would have gotten more.

    You don't need to run out and get a Divorce attorney, they won't do you any good until you file a divorce anyways.

  3. Good it's about time a woman got screwed during a divorce. Probably because she only showed up for one of the five court dates. She pissed off the judge.

  4. Your husband's ex got what she deserved, and she was just stupid. The ONE thing that you do not want to do in court, ever, is to get the judge irritated at you. She signed over everything, so that was her decision.

    If you are not contemplating a divorce, you do not need a divorce lawyer. Save your money and keep your husband. Keep him happy and keep you happy, too, and live a wonderful life, and forget about his ex.



  5. Why would you get a divorce lawyer, "just in case"? That has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. She didn't show up for the proceedings and didn't read her papers, that is her own fault. You get a divorce lawyer once you find that the marriage is no longer salvageable.

  6. put tape over your bum hole and try to f**t... works every time

    Plus you wax the crack at the same time... it's a double dipper

  7. Seriously, I think you need to quit fretting over the past.

    He divorced her for a GOOD reason and she deserved none of HIS benefits.

  8. Don't dwell on it.  Unknow the known and focus on the strengths you two currently have.  The past is over.  As for what to do in case you get divorced, it is perfectly reasonable to want to get a lawyer.  Perhaps you should start talking about this contingency so that there would be an amicable split.

  9. The way you describe it, it's his ex's fault why she didn't end up with anything but child support. People can't walk all over you unless you let them.  

  10. If he filed a divorce on the grounds of adultery, his ex wife really did not have a leg to stand on...and she only showed up once....she really did not care....Her getting screwed was her own fault....she should have gotten a lawyer and then she may have walked away with more..  Do not worry yourself over her affairs

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