
Did my interview go well? Do you think they will call? If so, how long.?

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I had an interview Wed. at 9am. The job market is tight in my area. They had an employee put in 2 weeks notice and need help asap, as they want to have some overlap time before he leaves. I was there for 1hour 45 minutes. I was shown the buildings, shown where I would be working, met the guy Id be replacing, met the other employee Id be working with, was shown the inventory room and allowed to ask the other employees questions. She did most of the talking, going on and on about the job and the company, her role, everything.

I am hoping to hear from her by Friday as I would LOVE to have this job. And know your supposed to keep looking, but there is nothing that suits me out there right now. When I was leaving, she said "we'll be making a decision very soon. I have a few more people to interview." And then said somethng like Ill get back to you. Its not a huge corp. so there wont be a 2nd interview. Iknow the interview went well, but do you think she should have hired me on the spot if she was interested? Do you think Ill hear by Friday? What do you think my chances are based on this info?




  1. Sounds to me you have the job and the other people are being interviewed as a formality.

    If you don't get the job, then showing you around like just mean.

  2. It sounds good! My Mom always said the squeaky wheel gets oiled. If you are really interested it won't hurt to call and check or stop by and check on the job. Good luck!

  3. I suggest that you keep your options open and look elsewhere.  If they don't call you by Friday, you should call them and ask if they have filled the position yet.  That will show them that you are still interested.

  4. She's still going to keep her options open & interview the other potential candidates. I would suggest sending a "thank you" note to her and call in a week if you haven't heard anything.

  5. you won't get the job hippie.

  6. I really think it sounds good..what with all the showing around and all that.  No they don't usually hire you on the spot.  They always wait awhile to let you know...Good luck!

  7. Good luck and all.  But get this...There are those questions I'd like to call 'tangible' that have either a definite answer or a possible answer, like, "Does this shirt make my @$$ look big?" or "What would you do if..."  Then there are those questions that have no worth at all because we were not present to see how things went.

    This is one of those type of questions.

    I would LOVE to definitively answer this for you, luv, but you see, I wasn't in on the interview to tell you yea or nea.  By the sounds of it, I would say that you got the job hands down, but I cannot say if you did well in the interview.

  8. No professional would ever hire someone on the spot before giving other candidates a chance.  If she did most of the talking that is a good sign, but it could also be a bad one if you did none and asked no questions.  With every job interview, you should always have a list of questions to ask them.  That shows that you take interest in the company and want to know more.  

    If you really want to secure yourself a position, try writing them a thank you letter.  Also, if she doesn't call you on Friday, call her back the following Monday.  There is nothing wrong with making a follow-up call, and I happen to know some employers who wait for people to call them back before making a decision to see how motivated about the job they really are.

    Good luck and I hope you get it!

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