
Did neanderthal men suffer from baldness? What about ancient cave men?

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I've never seen a bald headed neanderthal depicted on TV, it's like they equate being hairy with being primitive! Serious answers please!




  1. only the married ones went bald

  2. Healthy food or not, the average life span would have only been about 30 due to no doctors/antibiotics etc. Most would have died before male pattern baldness set in.

  3. they eat healthy foods with no shed of chemicals such as fertilizers, they don't use commercial shampoo for dandruff and the earth before was not so polluted so it wasn't affecting their scalp.  

  4. I don't know what you mean by "ancient cave men", but Neanderthals did not live long lives so they didn't get old enough to become bald, or lose their teeth etc.  

  5. do monkey's go bald? mmm...noooo....i belive that we partly evolved form apes. so, i assume that we weren't bald but very hairy LIKE apes. think about it.

    *hands you a cookie* <----for brain power.

    EDIT: ok ok. some of the other answers enlightened never got old enough to actually bald, they'd get eaten or they'd die from some sort of disease. interesting question tho!

  6. Because the ones you have seen on tv are actors dear. they didnt have tv in them days!

    Im sure the women would have been bald too, after being dragged by their hair into caves.

    Perhaps you should visit the natural history museum if you want a definitive answer to this question.

  7. I have no idea if neanderthal man, or for that matter

    ancient cave dwelling men, were bald.

    Does it matter ?

  8. There is a disease that makes all a person's hair fall out. Could be that, at some point, this disease so affected some groups until it left a family trait. Just a guess.

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