
Did neanderthals and homo sapiens/modern humans crossbreed?

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Kind of like different dog breeds or "ligers" (which are a lion and tiger hybrids). Male "ligers" are usually infertile, but the females are not. If neanderthals and modern humans could breed, did the neanderthals die out or did they just get absorbed with homo sapiens? Haven't there been skulls that were found that are a cross between a neanderthal and a homo sapien/modern human?




  1. Probably. I think that in europe, there may of been two different races that settled there. Homo Sapiens Sapiens, and Homo Sapiens Neanderthalis. Maybe they crossbred so much, that they became one race. I'm saying that from a biblical standpoint. You know, after the flood, when mankind began to racially diversify, maybe there were other races. Maybe this explains cavemen and suck. Maybe they're just different races of humans that nce existwed, but merged with other races and became modern humans. That explains the hobbit skeleton they found in indonesia, and all of the neanderthal skeletons.

  2. There was a study done in Malta.  They found the remains of Neanderthal teeth, the anthropologist had the bright idea of testing the surrounding populace and found that  1 out of 3 of the Maltese had the genetic markers found in the Neanderthal teeth.

  3. Well, I have read a report by a leading genticist who can find no dna matches at all between the two. He believes they did indeed interbreed on occasion,but,as you have suggested, the offspring were infertile,only he believes both male & female offspring were. Possibly, if not infertile, the lines just did not survive long enough to reach modern populations. (Remember that all Europeans descend from only 7 women!That doesn't mean only 7 women existed in prehistoric times,of course, only that 7 had lineages that were completely genetically successful from that time till the present!)

  4. One of the world's foremost experts in this area, Eric Trinkaus of Washington University of St. Louis, believes that at least 5 cross-breeds have been found!

    This would explain where the red-hair gene, the long-nose gene, the blue-eye gene, and RH-Negative blood, which is found primarily in Caucasians, originates, because neanderthals supposedly had all of these genes...

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