
Did nehru commit a blunder ?

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when he insisted that muslims are welcome to remain on indai after partition?

now india sees regular bomb blasts courtesy that community




  1. We all must have commited blunders, in hind sight.

    Do you think, if would have been possible to create two division strcitly in terms of relgion. It would have been impossible task for resettling all the Muslims in Pak and Hindus and other minorities in India. Remember you have got Hindu population even in Pak till date, despite the persectuion and lack of religious freedom in the Muslim contry. That shows the futility of resettlemnt on religioun lines. That was the reaosn why Gandhi advocated against vivisection of the country on religious lines. It was an impossinble task and gives room for a permanent of foe at your elbow where suspect your neighbour as an enemey for whatever he does. It was a magnanimous act on the part of Nehru to have encouraged the Muslims to remain in India. There is nothing wrong in that. The bigger fault lies in ensuring that the faith of the majority religion was not eroded while giving the minorities their right to pursue their religion. Here, Nehru did nothbing to proctect the Hidus and the Hindusism from the onslaught of the other religions. In the present scenario, the Muslims have not stood and raised  together their voice of opposition to acts of terror and criminality against the innocent. When the Godhara erupted and the Gurjarat Muslims suffered, the intelligentia from the majority Hindu community was vociferous in protesting against the act of vandalism by the Narendra Modi governemnt. The Muslims have failed to raise their voice of protest.


  3. monumental blunder

    the same way

    maulana Mulayam singh and mautarama Mayawati are doing

  4. why blame Nehru, & why shld Muslims hv left. it was their land also. when one talks abt bomb blasts, you shld look at the root cause of this problem. Though killing of innocents is not supported by any sane person but why are some people going to that extreme. if anybody is to be blamed it is the hindu community especially BJP, Shiv sena etc. you call yourself biggest democracy, I call it a mockery. Where was your democracy when people took law in their own hands & destroyed Babri Masjid? where was your secular govt.? Who has been punished for that act? Riots in Gujarat; muslims are massacred with the help of govt.? eminent muslims who had spend their life serving the society are gutted down. And wht happens to Modi, wow! he is re-elected. Who has been punished by the govt. for those riots. for so many years muslims in Bihar voted for Lalu; not bcoz he had done somethng fr the community but simply bcoz he gave them protection.

    These youth are a part of the society created by the society. whn you see your community being targetted & hv no hope of justice frm anywhere you take it in your own hands. That is wht is happening. Killing them cannot solve the problem but making sure justice is delivered can do. If India is to survive & prosper the vast hindu majority has to take the initiative and make india safe for its minority communities.

  5. He committed several blunders not one

  6. no actully he was right according to those stuations.

    how could he know that later they wiil do things like that.??

  7. ours is democratic country.nehru does not know that we get freedom during his life time. he is a great personality. his vision for india and its future is immense. please read freedom at midnight and nehru discovery of india. every youth should read his speech on 15th august 1947. please read, and get things on the things that were happend at that time. nehru is a statesman of high calibre. it is our fault to hate others. please try to love our  brothers and sisters and respect the othere religions as the GOD of all the religions is ONE and ONE alone.

  8. I know it is a very provoking and frustrating situation today but just hang in there and do not let yr guard down. This religion is zeroing on self destruction.Just look at the mess Pak is in today. They want to fight Non Muslims under the excuse of so called oppression of Muslims and yet they tolerate injustice, hate,corruption, dishonesty and cruelty from fellow Muslims. Once their fathers in Muslim countries are a spent force, they will just dry up in India. They have never understood the Law of Karma. Khuda ke ghar der hai, undher nahi. With the Lord, there can be a delay but there is no darkness.

  9. Nehru commited blunders. True. But those blunders were more economic then religious. Indian freedom struggle is incomplete and will remain so without muslim people. Those who divide the nation on this regards are people who should be hated the most. Because it is these people who have been the real cause of terror.

    Nehrus policy of economic reforms were the real cause of Indian slowdown. it resulted in grave political and economic issues, because of which we have such a situation. The problem of hatred results from communal marginalism. Insecurities are bred because we cannot mend our own mindless limitations. We create differences and we breed these terrorists. Those who train them are nothing but parasites who harp on these weaknesses.

    Calmserene.... your name is a sign of peace...why do we have to talk about such communal bifurcation of society. During riots people from both sides die. Godhra was started by muslims, but later Muslims were killed. There was massacre everywhere. Who suffered...humanity and peace? Muslim terrorists cell got a food to brain wash gullible youth who donot understand the reality. I donot say that the culprits should not be punished but then the way the punsihment is met should be different.

    Nehru indeed commited a blunder. We have a political party which claims its secular nature but has been real culprit in harbouring and promoting entities of religious intolerance. Reason Vote Bank.

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