
Did nepolean bonaporte save ther french revolution or did he kill it?

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Did nepolean bonaporte save ther french revolution or did he kill it?




  1. Some of both.  Revolutionary purists (including his brother Lucien and Ludwig van Beethoven) were disappointed when he made himself Emperor and began installing his relatives and close associates as royalty and aristocracy, but he created an "aristocracy of merit" that allowed people to rise from humble beginnings to positions of power and influence and established a law code that ensured the rights of the average citizen.

  2. What most people don't understand is that immediately following the French Revolution, France went right back to an absolute monarchy. This was a conservative attempt to disallow another Reign of Terror. However, the ideas of liberalism and democracy which resulted from the French Revolution influenced todays world greatly. The French Revolution itself is not as important as the ideals it brought about. These ideals were brought about by Enlightenment thinkers, and solidified by the Revolution. Thus, Napoleon could not have killed the Revolution, because many countries today represent the democratic beliefs of the revolutionaries.

  3. He brought back privileges, nobility titles, absolute power and slavery.

  4. i would say he killed it as he brought it full circle, leading to another absolute leader

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