
Did or do your parents have a dating age??

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like I'm not allowed to date/have boyfriend until I'm 16 (I'm 2 months away) and I was wondering if others have a rule I don't personally know anyone else who does... I don't think it is unfair... so do or did you?... if not when was your first date date

I can hang out with guy friends obviously




  1. No they dont.

    My dad says I can date which is weird. Isnt the dad the over-protective one?

    But I never really had the convo with my mom. But I think she would let me (Im 14) and I think she knows I would anyways so she might as well just let me.

  2. i would be dead if my parents knew i was dating, and i'm going to turn 15 soon. if you wanna do it, you gotta sneak it, and keep it a secret.

  3. No - but i think i can when im a freshman in highschool, or 14.

  4. Lol, me too. Except for I don't listen to them really :)

    I went on one date to the movies, but I told  my parents I was going with friends :)

    Almost 14 :)

  5. Yep... Dating rule... I'm only 13 and mom says I cant date until I'm 17... But the good thing is she lets me go places with guys as long as I'm with another friend (girl). Not that I'm ready to date or anything but it gets kinda old when you like a boy and you have to bring your friend with you.

  6. My parents rule was that I couldn't date until I was 17 1/2 (because that is when my brother had broken their rules and started dating). By the time I was allowed to date I was so close to moving out of state for college and then I wanted to focus on just school for my first I chose not to date. I went out with my now husband when I was 20 and we actually didn't go on our first real date until we were already married!

  7. my parents dating rule is 16 and ughhh im only 13.......! i think its unfair......not that i want 2 date tho. but atleast your only 2 months away ;)

  8. my parents dont have a rule like that

    im 14

  9. It was 16 for me :)

    I had a boyfriend in 8th grade that they didn't know about, but you know what 8th grade relationships are like, so that doesn't even really count

    And then another boyfriend freshman-sophomore year (I was 14&15) that they didn't know about either.  He and I talked on the phone a lot, and we'd meet up at church and school functions, but never really dated.

    My current boyfriend sophomore year-present and I mostly started seeing each other at school functions since i was still 15.  But we were partnered for a school project so we'd use that as a way to spend time together.  And though the summer (since I wouldn't turn 16 until the end of the summer, so, technically, couldn't date) we wopuld just hang out and play video games or whatever at one another's houses, or go to the mall in groups or stuff

    But now i'm 16, and we go out every so often, although we still hang out at each others houses a lot.  Its cheaper!

    Be patient, it will go by quickly enough.

  10. nope, my first bf i had was in 5th grade my second, third and forth in 7th grade, i am now going out with a guy named Dylan for the second time we first dated when i was 12 and  now i 13 his birthday is this thurs. ummm... i would never be able to not date any one till im 16. are first real date hasent happened but it will is a couple of years

  11. yeah my dating age was 18!! but i had a 'secret ' boyfriend when i was 17 :)

  12. there's not really a certain age for me to start dating but i think my mother wants me to start at 16

    a boy got my number from my friend and call me when i was in 7th grade and my mother flipped out! lol but i convinced her that he was annoying and stole my number

    I'm 15 now and i have a best friend who is a guy. he came to my house twice (but didn't come inside while my mother was there) can he walks me home or whatever. my mother says he like me but i told her that we're just friends and my sister keeps saying that we are dating but my mother didn't say anything about it

    lol sorry for babbling but to make a long story short: i guess my mother would allow me to start at 16 but wouldn't care if i did now

    i've had about 9 bf's so far and my mother has only known about 1 =/

  13. They don't do dating in my parents' culture.. They've never really talked to me about such stuff.

  14. No, my mom and dad don't have an age for me when I can have a boy friend.

    I've had one before, last year, and my mom kept saying, "you guys are to young to have a boy friend or girl friend!" But she didn't make me stop dating him.

    I know a few people that aren't allowed to date till grade 8 or they're 16 or something, and i think that is really unfair. I really don't see the problem with it. Like, if they like eachother they should be allowed to go out with eachother.

    Even though I can have a boy friend, my mom won't let me go out on a date with a boy untill I'm 16, but I don't really care about that, I wouldn't anyway, too awkward! =S

  15. my parents think its cute that ive had boyfriends, no they never had an age they just went with the flow


  16. 30

    but my dad was joking when he told me; cause that would be cruel

    i went on my frist date when i was 16

  17. we want our daughter not to date until she get in to college. we know she may not listen but at least she may be too afraid to be too stupid with her secret boyfriend.

  18. ive never had an age for that. im 14 and still single! lol.

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