
Did philosophy extinguish myth?

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Did philosophy extinguish myth?




  1. philosophy did extinguish myth, but in many ways myth led to philosophy.  philosophy was around a long time before it was called philosophy and was originally people trying to explain the world around them.  why they are there, where they came from, the difference between right and wrong, etc.  in ancient societies that lacked the scientific knowledge of today and these questions were answered through myths that explained the reasons things happened.  as people's knowledge grew philosophers again examined the same problems and came up with new and more scientific answers to these myths.  philosophy extinguished myth because it saught to solve the problems associated with it.  in a way it was the beginning and the end.

  2. No, myth will always be a part of the human conscience. If anything, philosophy leads to myth...

  3. One of the prime functions of philosophy is to extinguish myth. Unfortunatily humans love myth more than wisdom. Just look at the newspapers, the great modern myth makers.

  4. Philosophy is a fire hose unto myth, without even trying to be.  Did philosophy kill it off completely?  Unfortunately, no.  Myth is the cockroach of man's mind.

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