
Did pizza parlors always charge and count cheese as a topping?

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Did pizza parlors always charge and count cheese as a topping?




  1. No, cheese is usually considered normal. It depends on the pizza parlor, but most do not include it in topics. If, however, you want extra cheese, then it counts as a topping.  

  2. As best I remember, cheese always comes with the pizza, unless you want double cheese, which they always charge for. That's life in the big city...

  3. At the pizza parlor that I work at cheese is counted as a toppping and we do not charge

  4. i dont believe so

  5. Not as far as I know. The only times I've been charged for it is if it was double cheese or a specialty pizza that doesn't come with cheese normally.

  6. no, they don't

  7. no  

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