
Did pregnancyand /or breastfeeding ruin your breast implants?

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Were yours under the muscle? How long did you BF? How many pregnancies did you have with your implants in place?




  1. I know a family friend who had breast implants after giving birth to her two sons because she didn't plan on having anymore children, and then later on she got pregnant with her daughter! Her doctor warned her that it would have negative side-effects on her implants. She breast fed her daughter after she was born, and now her b*****s are saggy and do not look nearly as good as they did when she originally got the implants.

    I'm guessing that's why her doctor warned her!

  2. i would never have implants i am proud of my assets .But im pretty sure you can still breastfeed

  3. can you breast feed with implants?

  4. I think someone asked this question earlier, I don't have implants but I think it is safe because the implant is behind the muscle so it should be fine. Ask your doctor just to be sure, good luck!

  5. Don't worry...  Breast feeding will not ruin your implants any more than they will ruin your real b***s.  If anything I've heard it makes them look more natural.

    Plus, you're supposed to get you implants fixed every 10 years or something like that anyway, so you can always have things adjusted later.  Under the muscle shouldn't affect your ability to breastfeed at all.

  6. i always thought that a women with implants couldn't breastfeed but i believe i read they can depending on how the implants were implanted like if they are under the muscle than they should be able to nurse their baby:) good luck with that :)

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