
Did prehistoric man use traps to catch animals ? if so what kind were they?

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i think they used traps but i dont know what kind they were




  1. Here in Middle Park, CO we see paleo people using box canyon washes, tight draws, sandy hills, and possibly makeshift corrals to trap bison. The corrals are only a theory at this time as there is nothin left of it.

    Later the Native American used small cliffs to run the bison over, generally breaking the legs of the animal and making it easier to kill.

    We also see evidense of eagle traps which were made in order to collect eagle feathers, basically they used a dead rabbit as bait and a man hid in rocks or bushes right next to or under the bait, when the eagle landed he'd reach up with one hand and grab a foot and with the other start to pluck feathers out.

    Those are some of the traps I know about, hope it helps you.

  2. I remember seeing Man Vs Wild and he found an ancient trap which was a simple one with a stick that held up a rock and as an animal crawled under and moved the stick, it got crushed.

  3. Very difficult question to answer not being there at the time.

  4. they just used a big club !

  5. They no doubt used traps like snares and ropes with weights to tangle around the legs.  They drove them off cliffs which is rather like a trap.  They probably dug holes like tiger traps and may have made dead falls.

  6. They used various techniques to catch animals. There were some forms of snares and traps. They would dig holes and cover them with branches and such then they would run the animals into them. Many times they would get the animals to jump off of cliffs.

    They were fairly creative.

  7. modern man-monkey's gorilla's-bird's-and all creature's use traps to catch animal's to eat-I have used rabbit snare's, bear barrel's (to catch 15 foot grizzly's so they won't eat my trapped caribou)bird (ptarmigan or arctic grouse get snared in willow's and rabbit's of dark black head (when scarce-when plentiful step on them, (no room on ground to walk) fish traps-it's easier to trap animal's than to use sling's, bow and arrow's, snare's are mind body and soul reliever's to subsistence user's, cause the animal's freeze (nopain)

  8. The very earliest were simply where the early humans stampeded animals over a cliff. It was probably later that they thought about digging a hole if no cliff was around.

  9. One of the best was a hole in the ground covered with twigs, light grass, and leaves.

  10. The anthropologists found various types of wooden traps which were made for smaller animals.  They looked very much like mouse traps with swinging front doors.  When the food was touched it triggered the front door and a piece of wood came down to stop the door from opening.  Other traps were dug into the ground and covered with small pieces of wood and leaves.  At times they used traps swinging from trees for larger game

  11. Maybe the hole in the ground with leaves over it - but it would have been time and effort consuming - still ,better than starving!

  12. yes they had string bags  and clubs called bangers and would  beat the fuc out of any game they got tangled up with

  13. There are a few findings of masses of animals next to a cliff face (ie- they were stampeded off it presumably).  

    I think the Plains Indians also used this method sometimes, but I can't be certain.

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